Don’t forget that some people believe that the US government (or factions within it) allowed and perhaps facilitated the events of 9/11.
Governments exist primarily to protect their citizens from “the enemy”.
The “terrorists” are the perfect enemy because there will always be more of them. There is absolutely no chance of our government running out of an enemy to protect us from when they can point at anyone and label them a “terrorist”.
They have acknowledged this recently by changing the “war on terror” to the “long war”.
They want us to understand (and accept) that they will be protecting us for a LONG time.
And, by the way, in order to protect us they need to compile every little detail about each of us into a massive database. We shouldn’t mind that they are monitoring our e-mails, blog posts and telephone calls since they are only doing it to protect us from the terrorists. We also shouldn’t wonder why FEMA is building detention camps within the US borders – I’m sure that only the “terrorists” will be placed in these camps – not you or me or anyone that we know …
Unfortunately you are right that “It will happen again”. The same people that perpetrated 9/11 will create another event of even greater magnitude and use that as a reason to attack Iran with nuclear weapons.