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16 years ago

I posted this on another
I posted this on another thread, but better here:

These are reported numbers. We know that number is higher b/c it doesn’t factor in when you can’t refile. Although I heard they have extended that to something ridiculous like 36 months. But of course, the longer you are unemployed the harder it is to find a job. Double-edge sword there.

As I stated also, you can’t file unemployment if you’re a small business owner closing shop, if you are self-employed, if you work under the table, if you are a full-time student working part time and lose your job. I did hear if you were full time, reduced to part time, you can try to get unemployment to help w/the diff. Not 100% sure. Not sure how that’ll work w/forced furlough.

16 years ago
Reply to  jpinpb

You can go onto the BLS
You can go onto the BLS website and see the other ways they calculate unemployment. The number they pump out to the MSM is called the U-3 number. The number that reflects reality is called the U-6 number. The U-6 is listed on their website for all to see who care to go look. I think it’s now pushing 15%.

16 years ago
Reply to  peterb

I went to their website. I’m
I went to their website. I’m having trouble locating U-6. Do you have a link?

Edit – found it. 14.8


16 years ago
Reply to  jpinpb

According to Dr. Housing was
According to Dr. Housing was are at 19.1%

16 years ago
Reply to  jpinpb

Nice find! This is very good
Nice find! This is very good analytical work. I’ve bookmarked it. Thanks.

16 years ago
Reply to  peterb

I can’t take credit for it.
I can’t take credit for it. MW emailed me it. Had to share.

16 years ago

DrHousingbubble on his
DrHousingbubble on his website this weekend had California unemployment using u-6 at 19-20 percent. Nationally around 14-15.

Those figure will do wonder to people trying to sell their house this year as they get worse.

Carmel Valley. Get ready for option recast this fall. Your house could be next to fall 30-40 percent over the next few years.

16 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We’ll see the more expensive
We’ll see the more expensive zip codes get hit as unemployment reaches out and touches higher income people. At 20% unemployment, it’s gotta reach a few pretty quickly.