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Participantwhat is the design of your house? very hard to suggest if don’t know if its french country, mediterranean, mod…?
make a list of places in LA and drive up there one weekend
these will run higher than your desired spend:
Participantrired, you are going to want to listen to the advice of sdr, SD R, flu and others who live in north county because that is where you are going to find your good public schools, larger lots, and a home that fits your desires.
we have friends who send their kids to cathedral, so you might also want to take a tour of the schools when you are out here next.
Participantspdrun…i think you already stated you don’t live here, so if you spent any time in OB, the street urchins are kids who choose not to work, and beg or demand money. they are the kids who are drinking at 10am on the street corner or 20 or 40 or 50 somethings who are stoned out of their mind, hanging out on Newport, pissing on the streets and lawns of homeowners.
“burbclave”…you should really stop assuming what people mean on this board, you know what people say about those who assume. so you should really take a less adversarial tone to your posts….you don’t need to assume we’re all a bunch of bored housewives and entitled white collar guys who sit in our ivory towers slinging mud at people we think are beneath us.
Participant[quote=spdrun]As far as lot and house size, you’re talking about people from New England — lots and houses often are NOT large in many towns there, so it would at least be familiar. [/quote]
I could not disagree more. I used to live on the East Coast. I can name dozens and dozens of towns in the Tri State area, Boston suburbs that ALL have huge lots and BIG homes. Much bigger than here by comparison to SD.
ParticipantI’m with SD R, no way would I pick OB to raise kids. We have friends in PL and they complain about the lack of good public schools in the area. There are nicer homes up on the hill in OB/Sunset Cliffs part that is technically OB, bordering Pt Loma, but I still wouldn’t raise kids there.
The other issue noted by many friends who live over there, lack of enough kids as the nicer homes are dominated by older couples. If you want your kids to be able to run around with other kids, its not in OB. If you want your kids to be able to walk down into OB, buy some pot, talk to some street urchins, then OB is your place.
While I personally enjoy living in an urban environment, being able to walk to Balboa Park, restaurants, bars, shops, grocery, farmers market, and would NOT live in surburbia, kids or not….this is NOT a requirement for hardly ANY of my friends with kids. Schools and proximity to other kids/ family environment, space for the kids, and location are the top considerations.
The posted mentioned GOOD schools being a requirement, and there are very few excellent public schools in metro SD.
ParticipantI have heard that you can also look at renting a car from those really small privately owned places..I’ve seen a few throughout the metro area, might want to to yelp for some places like the 2 below
ParticipantBG- I GET IT! I understand, no need to post more. Have you heard of less is more 🙂 Again, thanks for chiming in.
Participantthanks sdr and SD R, yep i think its a small price to pay as well . bg, thanks for chiming in, but lets not get melodramatic here, i get it.
ParticipantSDR and BG…yes he’s advised as well, but I like to cover my bases, so while I trust him, I always do my homework as well, and know folks here have a lot of experience, so know its good to get the collective thoughts. He presented 2 scenarios, make the tenants out a restriction the deal, or deal with it if we REALLY want the property as expect this house will have multiple offers. The sellers agents are not that responsive, so yes working on getting the lease details. Thanks for the feedback.
And no, I’m not an emotional buyer at all…
Participant[quote=SD Realtor]The banks have nothing to do with the tenants or the lease that is currently in place. A short sale with tenants is not any different then a standard sale with tenants. Understand that the lease is between the tenants and the landlord and that the conditions of the lease will still be in place once the sale is complete.
[/quote]SDR and others, thanks….yes I understand the lease is between the seller and the tenants, but I would think the bank SHOULD care because in this case, I know the tenants and the agents involved on the seller side are certainly not helping this short sale move along.
So I was curious whether the bank will step in IF sale of this house is contingent on getting these tenants out. While the house is not trashed currently, the house is a total pig pen and from what I’ve heard, the tenants are not very cooperative.
I do understand in CA, the lease survives the sale of the home, hence my concern. Even if the lease for instance, were month to month, I might still have to deal with eviction and possible damage to the home in that process, so I’m trying to figure out how much of a headache this is all going to be.
So it sounds like based on other comments, should make this a condition of the sale that the SELLER needs to get the tenants out, one way or another ( IE paying them off)
Participantbzribee another agent that i’d suggest you talk to is jerry linney. he works metro SD and knows NP and all the urban areas quite well. most importantly, he’s ethical and professional.
ParticipantI don’t think you’re going to find the same vibe/restaurants and mix of people as Hillcrest, particularly the amount of single people. Other than Encinitas, you might want to consider Solana Beach or even Del Mar if you like the more uppity nature of it. Both offer walkable restaurants and bars if you live near the 101, and also young single people going out in those areas.
Also if you choose Del Mar, you will be closer to Hillcrest/metro SD ( 15-20min)
March 27, 2012 at 10:14 AM in reply to: OT: Anyone got a good optometrist and good dentist in Carmel Valley or Mira Mesa area #740604zzz
ParticipantJeff Muehl is a great dentist and most importantly, ethical. Been going to him for 6 years. He’s never tried to upsell me, just presented my options. He takes the time to communicate and I never feel like I’m going through the dentist drive thru like I have with past dentists.
11199 Sorrento Valley Rd Ste 208
San Diego, CA 92121-1334
Phone: (858) 457-7991zzz
Participantwhat type of engineer did the report, a soil engineer? what part of town and how bad are the cracks? is the house on a slope or canyon, and is the house in jeopardy? are certain parts of the house lower than others? if the house is built on expansive soil, and its in an neighborhood that has say clay, its going to be expensive to fix as you have to drill all the way down till you hit the hard stuff. if you hire a GC who doesn’t have experience with drilling far enough down, then you can install some really damn expensive beams, only to have those beams now moving in that clay.
for some homes that experience settlement, not on a canyon, and not in clay, its not necessarily a big deal and you can live in it for 20 years without worrying about it. it might have just been how that site got compacted, if a shoddy job was done, then the house settles more than most. other cases, you will end up with 1 foot cracks along the flooring and your doors don’t close. if its the latter, stay away. if its the former, you might be able to get a really good deal on the house.
you don’t need to start with a structural engineer, you need to find a soil engineer. because it all comes down to what kind of soil is this house built on and that will answer the question on how much more movement there will likely be.