Forum Replies Created
February 27, 2007 at 3:35 PM in reply to: Why are people still buying the overpriced real estate in southern California? #46411
ParticipantGood lets hope so. I may just build a home on an acre of my parents land in Oroville now that I found a new job that lets me live anywhere close to an airport. I can make it to Sacramento airport in a 90 minute drive once a week. At least I would save on rent and the home would be dirt cheap to put a small modular home on the acre of land for under 100k. Nothing is that cheap in California yet.
February 25, 2007 at 11:22 AM in reply to: What Did George (TW)Chamberlin had to say at The SANTA LUZ today #46149mixxalot
ParticipantDidnt make it but I still hear Chowderhead blather on his Sunday KOGO show about how wonderful real estate is. Someone needs to seriously gong his butt.
ParticipantToo funny where organized crime is buying up property!
Yeah like I want to be stuck around a bunch of old geezers and mobsters.
I would rather have a place in PB at least there are lots of gorgeous young women to date.
ParticipantGuys give it a rest. And whats up with that stupid cow tipping moniker crap?
really this is childish behavior. No one cares about your little rant about cow_tipping.
February 16, 2007 at 4:36 PM in reply to: How will the IT community handle the coming housing crash/recession? #45651mixxalot
ParticipantI agree about the whole dilemma about IT work. As an out of work DBA with 10 years experience and a degree from a top school, I am looking into law school and an MBA program to get out of the tech field. I dont see lawyers sent to India and China. I may have to move to another state to find work.
ParticipantI have researched the requirements to sit for the patent bar. It is different than the normal bar exam. You can take some science courses and still sit for it. One does not need an engineering or science degree. I think its about 5-6 college level science courses. Not bad because if you pass it, you can work as a patent assistant and make about 70k a year while going to law school part time.
I have given thought to it.
Now my question is about the CFA- what does it buy you with no financial experience? Would it get me a job?
ParticipantNo but I do have 10 years of experience in the IT computer field. Would I still do well in IP with a JD and MBA?
I am considering the joint MBA and JD program at USD unless I move out of San Diego for work. My interest is to mix business law with IP and finance. Would I be better off study for the CFA exams and what kind of job would that get me versus the MBA and JD?
I am out of work and San Diego is VERY expensive right now. I have noticed that the job market is better here though than in South Carolina. However, in Raleigh north of Spartanburg where the BMW manufacturing plant is, there are lots of tech jobs. As for dating, I think that its easier in the south but I could be wrong.
I’ve found the friendliest people however to be from Minnesota, Indiana, Portland and Utah but thats been my experience.Now if I could get a real home for under 500k then I would stay in San Diego. Maybe I should just wait and see? Moving sucks either way.
ParticipantSports Arena Eyesore
Needs to go. Who even goes there anyhow? I hope the owners tear down that nasty eyesore in Point Loma and also get rid of the stupid Kobeys swap meeting full of riff raff and criminals. It is a breeding ground for drug activity and crime. Not only would it build more homes but get rid of crime.
ParticipantLyon’s Sunset Clairmont condos
Thanks- I will check these out. I plan to wait 5 more years to buy a place and hope the market corrects and bottoms out by then. I hate renting but to throw away money or get a suicide loan is not wise thinking so will ride this downturn out. I need to stabilize work and save up a big downpayment for good deals in 5 years. It will take a long time for the “dead cat bounce” to end.
ParticipantI agree.. however as you said, 476k to 555k for tiny condos in Point Loma is a bit much. Granted they made nice construction but the area is not that nice and really these should be priced more like 250-300k. Here is one odd thing that I noticed yesterday when I checked them out. Lennar is willing to pay mortgage for 6 months. Second, the sales people were not that helpful and a bit aloof for one who sells homes compared to realtors. That turned me off right there. No, I can buy a real nice home for less money in Poway or Rancho Bernardo which have less crime and nicer areas and schools. I am waiting for the dead cat bounce to finish in 3-5 years.
Now if we can get Chowderhead to shut the F up on KOGO about how real estate never goes down. Man that idiot is never quieted.
ParticipantGreed and foolishness
Abound here in San Diego people spending and not saving. By the way, the ONLY car that even looks decent or would catch me dead in yellow is a Ferrari, Porsche or Lamborghini. All others look stupid.
ParticipantHow to Budget
I agree. As a technology professional, I budget and save 50% of my earnings and have paid all debts except for the last one which should be paid off this year. I cook most meals and keep to a budget. My rent keeps going up so will probably share a place with roommates to cut rent bill in half and wait on the sidelines for the real estate market to implode. Its still a lot cheaper to rent unless you make over 200k a year and have zero debt.