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ParticipantPeople in small towns versus big cities
Tend to be nicer and more laid back. Oroville has only 12k people versus 3 million residents in San Diego. I like peace and quiet. I do like San Diego a lot since I’ve lived here past 3.5 years but sticker shock on gas, food and housing is giving me a black eye quickly. Now that I have a consultant position I can live anyplace and bank the money. I am not sure if the San Diego housing market will completely tank in next few years but the real warning signs exist with new foreclosures and prices. However, most folks seem to be drinking from the kool aid tank still and not wise when it comes to paying too much for things including cars and real estate. Case in point, I see people who spend 2x on a new or used car and are suckered by car sales people. Same for homes. As PT Barnum would say “There is a sucker born every minute!”
ParticipantI meant the weather is about the same. Oroville has mild winters a little cooler and rains a little more but other than that not much difference really in climate. Of course the job market is better in San Diego but if I travel or work at home it matters not. People are friendlier too! Now the thing is: once I have the 2,000 square foot home built I can be free of debt and mortgage.
I will buy in San Diego if prices ever drop to 200-300k for a decent home. The only reason why I even moved to San Diego int he first place was that the tech jobs dried up in last recession in 2002 in bay area when I was working for a consultant company and living in Sacramento. Now that tech sector is back up, makes no sense to stay in San Diego if I never will be able to afford the purchase price of a real home.
ParticipantI agree which is why I am building a home for dirt cheap on land near Lake Oroville. I can build a large dome shaped geodosic home for 20-30k and my family has given me an acre of land to build on. I would NEVER waste 500-800k for an overpriced POS home in San Diego. San Diego has great weather but its not that much different than Oroville except for the beach and ocean. And since I work either from my home office or travel I rarely have time to go to the way overcrowded and polluted beaches these days. I pray that the market crashes in southern california. It makes zero sense to overpay.
ParticipantGang Bay Park
Is this the area off of Morena where all the meth heads and tweakers hang out and get wasted? Near Sea World and Clairemont drive? Bad area I would never buy there. Why not a decent area like Carlsbad, Encinitas or Del Mar? At least they are nice areas and do not have gangs.
ParticipantYou hit a sore point with me on this outsourcing issue:
“Stop complaining about losing “our” jobs overseas to some H1-b holders. If you’re skills are top notch their’s absolutely no reason why you should be having a problem finding good work at great pay. ”
When the job market is good, it does not matter. However in recessions why do we export our technical trademarks to communist china and foreign nations who have no concern for the USA? I blame it on dumb politicians and greedy execs.
Yes, I do have solid technical skills and have been okay in the IT arena. The whole idea of H-1B Visa is pure and simple: CHEAP LABOR and NO TAXES for large transnational corporations.
ParticipantThese thugs are damn lucky that one of the appraisers did not take a gun and start shooting at these punks with the baseball bats.
ParticipantWow amazing.
I see that northern California areas like Sacramento have MUCH lower costs to purchase real estate than Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego.
I find Sacramento as nice as the above places except that there is no beach or ocean. So what? I can drive to Santa Cruz or San Francisco once a month if ocean and beaches is what I want.
April 27, 2007 at 5:23 PM in reply to: That crack some folks In Carmel Valley are smoking must be really good… #51323mixxalot
ParticipantTorrey Pines Beach is nice
I give you that. Now thing is why would I pay 2-5 million bucks to live in Rancho Santa Fe, Malibu or Encinitas? To me its like throw money away. OK if you are a billionaire or some high power exec than can see spend that amount of cash, but it is only for the super rich to live in these places.
April 27, 2007 at 8:29 AM in reply to: That crack some folks In Carmel Valley are smoking must be really good… #51272mixxalot
ParticipantWhy are places like Del Mar and Encinitas so expensive?
Traffic sucks and you still have to drive to the ocean and beach. It is in the middle of nowhere. Yes fairly close to tech center in Sorrento Valley but thats really about it. Can never understand why north coastal properties are 500x overpriced. Makes zero sense.
Think about it
1. most people unless you are filthy rich work indoors 8-12 hours a day
2. you sleep 8
3. might see beach 1x a week.Personally I prefer Ocean Beach and Point Loma- less crowd and fewer snobs
April 27, 2007 at 8:15 AM in reply to: Tech is BACK!….Housing downfall might be limited in San Diego afterall. #51271mixxalot
ParticipantI can attest to what you say about folks who waste money on junk rather than saving and investing. For me, my car is paid off and I have been saving last few years for a home. I have a budget that I stick to and rarely eat out or buy expensive things. My one major expense this year is dental expenses but that is tax deductible and for my health so thats important. I do buy a new laptop computer every 2-3 years but its for work so its more of a necessity than a want.
I plan to buy in 2-3 years once work is all good and more down payment. Looking at 2-3 bedroom condo or small home (1100-2000 sq feet) with garage and small yard. Since I am single I don’t need a huge place. And I dont have a lot of junk to store just a few basics. Lots of books since I work in the I.T. field always have to keep up with new database technology.
As for stock options- not many places hand these out anymore.
ParticipantGood I want to buy a place in Carlsbad to be close to clients in Orange County and Los Angeles. Prices need to drop more because it is in middle of nowhere.
April 25, 2007 at 8:22 AM in reply to: That crack some folks In Carmel Valley are smoking must be really good… #51064mixxalot
ParticipantUTC sellers smoking major crack as well.
I like Carmel Valley and Del Mar far better than UTC or Mission Valley and condos are high there as well.
ParticipantDiscounts starting to hit condo market
I looked at newer condos this weeekend in UTC and Mission Valley. After showing lack of real interest in the overpriced places, the sales person mentioned a discount of 5-8 per cent off of the 550k sales price for the largest 2-3 bedroom/2 bath units. That and they seem willing to pay most closing costs, HOA dues for 2 years and property taxes first year. SO.. this tells my gut instinct to wait at least another year because the prices will continue dropping.
Am I correct? Who knows but I would rather spend less if possible!
ParticipantVEGAS is a lot cheaper than San Diego!!
I need to make a trip there on business to check out the scene. Compared to 400-600k overpriced condos in UTC, Del Mar, and Mission Valley it seems like a bargain. Especially if one can live anywhere.