Forum Replies Created
You’ve probably already done this, but if not, subscribe to this paper asap. Then call the rental owners as soon as you see their ads. They go quickly in Coronado. Most owners do not use property managers so you cannot count on your realtor to get you a place.
The charm of Coronado is being able to walk and ride bikes to everything, even to the grocery store, so do not be seduced by the newer construction and plentiful rentals in the Cays (even if you are thinking to yourself… “well, it is only for a little while until we find a place to buy”). You’ll regret it quickly. Drive drive drive up and down the Strand is what you’ll do (I lived there once without kids yet – and it was too much driving even for just me). There isnt even a grocery store in the Cays.
ParticipantThank you for posting that MH. Everyone was getting on Powayseller for posting articles that were not written by her personally. They didnt like that she was “posting other people’s reporting and analysis.” I, for one, appreciate it when stuff like this gets posted here. I dont have time to cruise all the news outlets looking for bubble related articles, and I missed this one.
Fantastic that they are compiling the multiple estimates by Lehreah and NAR and showing how greatly their numbers have changed month by month. Shows that they are clearly clueless and their numbers are just following behind as the market turns instead of predicting which way it will go.
ParticipantGetting the sales history so easily at zillow is interesting and helpful. (So are the graphs!)
Where else on the web can you get past sales info, for the entire US, so easily and for free?
If some yay-hoo bought his place for $300k a year ago and is trying to pawn it off (after just a paint make-over) for $500k, I would want to know that. I dont want to be totally dependent on a realtor to do it either.
Information is always good. We’ve been over and over the “zestimate” feature of the site… it’s not accurate, and things are changing so rapidly in the real estate market, that it is not likely to be accurate for some time, and will never be totally accurate… but there is still a lot of value in being able to look up the sales history, etc.
ParticipantI’d like to ditto what Lindi said, Rich. Your site and information helped me make some HUGE decisions. Life is so good now. I am absolutely thrilled with the way things turned out for myself and my family based on those decisions made last Spring. Thanks to you… I tip my tennis visor to you!!!
Good luck with the job, and if I know anyone is SanDiego looking for advice (like all my siblings out there)… I will certainly recommend you.
ParticipantI’m familiar with that site – interesting stuff! However, I am thinking more of a national blog site? Even Piggington draws people from all over the states (and world!) – I live in NY myself…
I guess financial wories are tough to admit to and post about.. Maybe someone needs to set up a “Flipper’s Anonymous” blog.
“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
You quoted me as saying “Make them interesting, inflammatory, or insightful enough to have them stay at the top and get responses”
then you replied, “Here’s one right here, kitty. Maybe there’s something to it, eh? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOW.”Well, HIIIISSSS… I was suggesting you start a thread related to the housing bubble… the constant critique of powayseller is not at all interesting and does not qualify as something contributory to this blog… and frankly, a big reason this site lost it’s appeal last spring (thank you for the graph on that subject rankandfile – are you sure of your calculations though? I feel we hit the peak a little sooner.) Of course, I do see that now that powayseller is back – there is a lot more activity here… It is just that one has to weed through ENDLESS critique by sduude and others of PS’s motivation and her prose. PLEASE get over yourselves! Obviously there is some play in the words “expect” and “at risk” when one is making a prediction in the business setting. For planning purposes, it is safe to assume that those “at risk” for default, will… and then go from there… making plans… making predictions does not mean it MUST happen that way… only that we should “expect” it to and be PREPARED in case it does. Get off your high horses everyone.
“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
ParticipantSalo_t is right on… I am another who never posts here anymore because it is all coming true (rich’s AND powaysellers predictions) and I have nothing to add anymore. I am not one who has a pile of money from selling a house that I am trying to invest wisely, nor am I one sitting on the sidelines waiting for the market to hit bottom in order to buy. Powayseller is both of these, so she posts a lot… let her post. Ignore if you arent interested… get over yourselves… YOUR CONSTANT BICKERING IS VERY BORING! NOT INTERESTING AT ALL.
IT IS YOU WHO ARE RUINING TIHS SITE.“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
Participant“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
Holy Cow!!!! What has happened to this site? Who the hell cares how much Powayseller posts? I am dragging through all these posts… one after another discussing/trashing her… Have you nothing better to write about?
One person said something about it being too difficult to wade through her posts to get to the ones that have been pushed to the bottom.. well HELLO!!!!!! maybe those posts were BORING in the first place and that is why no one responded. The only posts anyone gets interested in here are powaysellers becayue she is the only one sticking her neck out making estimates and guesstimates that need to be disputed or supported. Are you all too retarded to have normal discourse?
As PS keeps writing….. Start your own god-damned threads if you dont like hers… Make them interesting, inflammatory, or insightful enough to have them stay at the top and get responses. She’s left several times before over weird things sdrealtor wrote, and the place went dead. sduuude… let’s hear you contribute something substantial – otherwise shut the f**k up.
ParticipantThe scenario you describe is exactly why I thought this news article was so terribly timed. People will try anything to make those payments.
“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
ParticipantI cant believe I missed the dinner… Very disappointing. I was torn between old Coronado friends with limited visiting availability, and meeting new (you all. I had to pick the old – weekends seem to be the only time anyone has off around here since everyone seems to be working nowadays.
Used to be all my girlfriends were home with the kids, now they are all at work all week. Lots of info was accumulated supporting my views though. Things have definitely changed around San Diego, and not for the better. Still… the beaches are wonderful. Spent the afternoon today at Pillbox, the water was absolutely GLORIOUS!
I do not deny that the reason i spend so much time here at Piggington is to remind myself that it is okay that I left, and that I am not priced out forever. I won’t live in NY long enough to break a hip on the ice.“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
ParticipantPS, I have an investment banker friend that might be able to point you in the right direction. He is a sage advisor and mentor. He sometimes reads this site. I will talk to him and see if he has any ideas for you. I have often thought that you should be getting paid for your knowledge sharing.
“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
ParticipantThe fact that Americans spend and buy way beyond what we need is a regular topic with foreigners, nothing wrong with HS bringing it up here.
And in regards to this comment:
“How would we feel if foreign tourists were pointing their cameras at us eating our hamburgers or shopping at Wal-Mart?”
Has anyone heard of the ‘game’ some Europeans have of seeing who can get the biggest, fattest American on their video cameras when visiting DisneyWorld? When I moved home from Japan, the girth of many Americans, and the crazy buying was shocking after having been away so long (and as everyone knows, it isnt like Japanese dont buy things, but they buy small things, ‘giftos’, gadgets, etc). There is nothing wrong with HS commenting… something has gone awry here in the US (and yes, it is especially noticeable in SoCal – but it is absolutely everywhere now) and it is a very GOOD thing to be discussing it.“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
ParticipantJohnHokkanen- Interesting stats… I’ve heard it repeated here on Piggington that the high end home market is still “hot”. Your numbers certainly suggest otherwise. I’ve been watching the same houses sitting for months and months in Rancho Santa Fe. Could it be that even we piggington readers have it wrong, and the high end is totally dead?
“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
Participant“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”
The spending has become grotesque around here. Another old friend came over to visit and told me that her kids hardly have playdates anymore (they live in Rancho Santa Fe in and old family home) because classmates always come over and start making rude comments about their lack of pool, old house, old cars, etc. Their kids get invited to b-day parties and it is always limo, limo, limo… we both grew up here and can see how it has all changed. It has been upsetting for her as a mother, to say the least.