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This country has gone nuts. Everyone is all a-twitter over this guy being a fake and hypocritical.
In other countries, the people would snicker at the news, and the guy would have to find a new job. Here… we talk and discuss, and talk some more. It is pathetic.
How many man-years were wasted writing about and analyzing Clinton’s famous b.j.?
lostkittyParticipantI hope everyone reads through his emails (there arent many). This thoughtful young man is gone forever. This war is not worth it. Even this highly intelligent, brave, Republican, Marine did not think so:
"My 3 month informed opinion (based entirely on what I see in the Hit region) is that this war is futile. Even the Iraqi soldiers tell us that when America leaves, they'll quit."
lostkittyParticipant"I think it is the responsibility of people pulling into traffic to do it with a sense of urgency. It's like the people on I-5 who insist on maintaining 4 car lengths in 10 MPH traffic. Actually those people are great when you need to change lanes, you can always count on one. It never ceases to amaze me that when my line is crawling and the ones on either side of me are moving, that I slip into another lane, and find 2-3 overly safe drivers back to back back. "
What the heck? Are you trying to be sarcastic? What about the jack-a$$es that gun it when they see someone trying to pull on or in front of them? Do you really want people driving "with a sense of urgency". That is exactly how accidents happen, which slow everyone up for hours. Hope you are being sarcastic, because otherwise you just sound stupid.
Maybe you need to seek out that old driver's ed Goofy movie and watch it.
lostkittyParticipantI keep reading and reading down through these comments, looking for someone to post that list of currently influential Republican war/military veterans. Is it coming soon? John McCain is certainly one, someone mentioned Duncan Hunter, but he is certainly more influential locally than nationally. How about real LEADERS of the current administration? Anyone? Anyone?
Oh yeah, Colin Powell used to be there, where did he go anyway? My guess is that we are going to be hearing some choice words from him when all this is over.
And PD, there are LOTS of Democrat officers, they just stay silent when they are in military company, because it is expected. They are doing the right thing for group cohesiveness, and protecting their promotions! Arguing politics in the office or with work-people is counter-productive to getting projects done. The military is a 24/7 ‘office’ situation. We even live on bases together, shop all together at the Commissary or Exchange. If I met someone like you when I was an Officer’s wife, i would not have engaged you in debate. I would have smiled politely, been nice, but never really let you into my brain because the Wive’s Club group (also known as Knive’s Club) and all it’s gossip went straight back to the command. Everything affects ‘morale’ – so we were told – and so most people keep quiet. There is no way I would have unloaded my politics onto you at the risk of you sharing it with your husband, who then would publicly ridicule mine RushLimbaugh style (we all know that is how it works in squadrons), and have it become public knowledge. If that happened, and someone with your strong views was C.O. or X.O. at the time, my husband’s career would be done. Don’t confuse silence with agreement.
lostkittyParticipantA blow to recruitment? I dont think so. You think someone might not sign up because of this one comment? That they will seriously consider it, but then think to themselves, “No… people might think I’m dumb.” Come on.
It is, however, another clever way of blaming the low recruitment numbers on the Democrats and ‘liberal media”. Ignore the recent years of frighteningly dwindling recruiting numbers, and just focus VERY LOUDLY and REPEATEDLY on this one comment. Do not ever replay his comments in their entirety. Certainly DO NOT play the immediately preceeding sentence where he clearly says he is talking about Bush. Genius! Maybe you can be the next Karl Rove.
lostkittyParticipantWe have become a nation of lazy quitters and complainers who expect instant gratification and stunning success. Without it, they demand retreat.
Has anyone else noticed that postings on other forums have dropped a lot since this thread was opened? I do not think discussions like this are good for Piggingtons.
PD – Glad to hear that it was my misunderstanding that you were not comfortable with the way this IRAQ conversation was affecting the community of Pigginton as a whole. Because to me, it sounded like you were talking out of both sides of your mouth…. Calling anyone who questions this mess "lazy quitters and complainers", but then wanting to quit the conversation about it yourself when it got too heated, and using the excuse that conversations like this aren't "good for Pigginton's". I misconstrued your comments.
lostkittyParticipantYes, but not for the reason you think. It's speed gradient that is the problem. We raised the speed limit, but didn't change the minimum
But dont our roads need to account for most of the peoples that drive on them? I have absolutely no problem driving fast when the roads are clear. It's fun. However, there is a huge population of retired people in San Diego. I’m not talking about the super-old grannies at 95+ that should not be on the road anymore. I am talking about those 65-90yrs that may be slowing down, their eyes arent perfect anymore, their neck is stiffer than it used to be. They need to drive a little more safely – slowly – in order to see what is around them. To have to make lane changes with cars zooming up on all sides at 80-95mph requires a higher level of alertness and agility than changing lanes at 60-70mph. Add to that the high levels of congestion, the trucks and very old dangerous drivers that inevitably get on the roads, the over-loaded, rickety trucks stacked with mattresses etc, and it is a recipe for disaster at the newer speeds.
lostkittyParticipantMaybe these threads make you uncomfortable PD, but political discussion is vital now, especially at election time. Hearing your thoughts from the right are just as important as voicing ours from the left.
It is intersting that in our little Piggington community our discussions show that so many of us agree about the state of the economy, the housing market, the importance of exercise, eating healty, feeding our kids healthy foods and limiting TV, but we disagree so vehemently regarding politics.
My views are not a result of the “liberal media” only reporting negatives from Iraq. I felt it was a mistake before we ever went. I was shocked when we did. They knew AHEAD of time that there were most likely no weapons of mass destruction. Plenty of people, including the former weapons inspector Scott Ritter, were screaming at the top of their lungs trying to get anyone to listen. To no avail… off we went to stoke the fires of extremism and hatred for the US. Look where that got us. The ranks of young Muslim men and women that are motivated to act against us now has exploded. That is the real bomb we’ll have to deal with… and it is a direct result of our actions in IRAQ.
Claiming that the media swayed my thoughts is the same as the NAR claiming that the “media” is causing this real estate downturn (and we’ve all read that claim repeatedly). Kill the messenger, I suppose.
I am happy we have the freedom to even have these discussions… This ‘Right’ I would fight to protect. Access to cheap oil????? Not worth it, not worth the loss of life, not worth the backlash of anger from people who live in that region, not worth the high $$ cost, not worth the terrible divide it has caused in our country … and on and on.
lostkittyParticipantWhen they raised the speed limit from 55 to 65 was the reall turning point for San Diego. Everyone went nuts on the roads, and it has stayed that way. Seems like they should have changeable speedlimit signs along the road based on congestion. Obviously if it is 4am and no one is out, going 65 or 70 is safe. When the raods are FULL and people are still driving that speed and trying to go even faster… not safe!
I read somewhere that the number of serious accidents went up significantly after they raised the speed limit too… Anyone know if that is true?
It has to be a big waste of oil/gas resources when everyone drives that much faster as well. Seems stupid in times like these… Why dont they just lower it back down to 55 except in the boonies?
lostkittyParticipantSan Diego used to be calm on the freeways. When I would drive back and forth north to LA in college, I would instantly ‘feel’ the difference on the roads as I encountered more reckless speeeders and crazy lane changers. I hated that stressed-out feeling. It always started right around what was the southern-most In-n-Out at that time (my geographical marker as an 18 year old), Avery Pkwy in Mission Viejo.
As the years went on, I slowly noticed that recklessness spreading south. First to Oceanside, then further. Now that I’ve moved away and come home only in the summers, it is even more palpable… the anger and frustration, and the pressure.. that the residents are living with and take out on each other on the roads. I am not saying everyone is this way, but those of us who normally drive 65-70 on freeways are forced to go 75-85 just to stay with the flow…
I often wonder why I never see CHP anymore either. They used to be everywhere.
The trash too… it is all over what was once clean freeways. Even furniture.
What’s the deal?!
lostkittyParticipantYes, there is still one on the market. A 3br Unit ‘A’.
Price Reduced: 05/18/06 — $1,025,000 to $999,000
Price Reduced: 06/01/06 — $999,000 to $900,000
Price Reduced: 07/14/06 — $900,000 to $850,000
Price Increased: 09/19/06 — $850,000 to $855,000I think my numbers above may be accurate for same-sized 2br units. Could one of the realtors on here do a check…?Gotta run…. no more time for Piggington today.
lostkittyParticipantI took this info exactly as posted on ziprealty. So you could be right, although zip says specifically that the sq footage is the same. They may be the same, but one with an ocean view? This would be a looooong crooked view, over the metered parking island in the middle of the street, and down another block and over Ocean Blvd.
I tried to verify at zillow, but there is still no record of sales (even though one was back in Jan). Regardless, the building is butt ugly! I had been watching these units languish for months. Heck, there is probably still one there on ziprealty trying to get sold. I’ll go check….
lostkittyParticipantRealistically though.. even at 679k… I think that is still WAY too much money to pay for a converted 900 sqft apt with no parking (it is mostly metered out front).
lostkittyParticipantThe last place we rented was a billy-box near the school for $2500. They were asking $2900, but gave it to us less expensively because we were friends of friends (that is how Coronado works). It was very well cared for, and the landlord was excellent. At 3500-4000, I suspect none of these mold issues or rat issues will affect you. You certainly will find a decent house with the proper maintenance plans in place, etc.
If you are not a military family living in one of the slum-lord rentals because that is all you can afford (you can see what I am talking about by going to and looking at the 1.5Mil dumps for sale) then Coronado is a nice place to be. The stinky water is a recent development that I am hope will be remedied.
I think the persona non grata stigma attached to renters is changing in Coronado as the market changes. Pretty soon everyone will know someone who is in trouble with their mortgage in that town. I know several, and I dont even live on that coast anymore… Even last year, anyone who didnt buy was considered just stupid or poor. Now they’ll be looking like geniuses (the ones who stuck to their guns and insisted the market couldnt sustain itself at that pace).
At those prices though, I’d still pick Del Mar over Coronado anyday!!! Same atmosphere of small town, everyone out exercising, kids on bikes, MUCH better views, kinder and more diverse (artsy) population, cleaner ocean water, better restaurants, and without a doubt… better schools…