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Excellent points. I think the middle class is really getting squeezed and the poor are also getting the shaft if they are being given substandard medical through medicaid. What concerns me is will physicians continue to practice if they are forced to accept patients who are not going to reimburse them as well as those with “good insurance”. I have some friends who lived in England and they said there were two levels of insurance. You used the government for some things and your own if you needed treatment that would not wait. These folks were millionaires and could afford to pay for their own and are now here and not worried about Obamacare because they know they can go anywhere to get what they need. Unfortunately, we all do not have that option.
I hope things get worked out before more people drop or are dropped from their insurance because they cannot pay for it and more people start going to the ER. Last time I had to go there, there was a really long wait and yes, it did look like the cafe scene in Star Wars. I think we all want high quality and affordable medical care, but I am not sure that this bill provided that. And yes, Heritage is biased, but it is hard to find any media that do not have either a left or right leaning bias to quote.
AecetiaParticipantObamacare: Impact on the Uninsured one Brian. I think he probably thinks Texas come first, then the U.S.
AecetiaParticipantJust one of the top ten failures of Obamacare:
“Some Americans have already had a spike in the cost of their insurance premiums of an astounding 20% to 60%. Insurance companies have raised premiums in double-digit increases. For example, Blue Shield of California recently increased some of its individual plans by 59%, saying that 4% of the increase is a direct result of the new health care law.”
“Now, the CBO projects that the average American family will pay $2,100 more on health care premiums when the law is fully implemented (an increase of 10% to 13%).”
AecetiaParticipantI know how you feel. The rates are ridiculous and unlike what Obama and his crew said, the State is not doing anything about the gouging except some half-a$$ attempt at Blue Cross Anthem.[Are more Californians finally ready to ditch the private, for-profit health insurance industry? Here comes yet another reason to do so. Last week, The Los Angeles Times reported that California insurance regulators approved Anthem Blue Cross rate hikes averaging between 14% and 20% on individual policyholders. Anthem competitor Blue Shield was allowed rate increases averaging between 19% and 29%. The hikes are to take effect Oct. 1.]
Who knows, maybe they are “bundling” for him and his pals?
The whole thing is a joke and all it did was drive up costs for those of us who pay for insurance and drive up profits for big insurance companies. Change. Not really seems like the same crap as the last group and with more hypocrisy thrown in.
AecetiaParticipant“After two years of nonstop focus on health care, the president has stopped talking about the law’s far-reaching effects. Now he is concentrating on a few micro changes. Meanwhile the administration is working hard to dampen controversy by handing out buckets of waivers and attacking Republicans over Medicare.”
AecetiaParticipant“Fearful of retribution by HHS Secretary and chief inquisitor Kathleen Sebelius, who has threatened companies speaking out about Obamacare’s perverse consequences, many business owners who obtained waivers refused to talk to me on the record. One said tersely: ‘We did what we had to do to survive.’”
[img_assist|nid=15382|title=Dude, where’s my waiver?|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=300|height=173]
AecetiaParticipantWow Sk thanks for enlightening me. Now I feel better.
I like most of Congress did not read the entire package. However, I am basing the increases on the Insurance Companies continuing to gouge us who are currently insured. I have no idea how they get away with it, but my rates have sure gone up significantly since the passage of the bill.“For example, in September 2010, The Wall Street Journal also reported that health insurers have been forced to raise premiums “as a direct result of the health overhaul.”“Aetna, one of the nation’s largest health insurers, said the extra benefits forced it to seek rate increases for new individual plans of 5.4% to 7.4% in California and 5.5% to 6.8% in Nevada after Sept. 23. Similar steps are planned across the country, according to Aetna. Previously the administration had calculated that the batch of changes taking effect this fall would raise premiums no more than 1% to 2%, on average.”
AecetiaParticipantVery cool and I am also glad they are fighting fires aggressively!
AecetiaParticipantI will take at a stab at it, but agree the title is not explained by the information provided. I believe he is referring to the burdensome tax code included in the health care legislation that will cause more of the insatiable entitlement increases. The fact that large companies are being granted waivers to get out of the health care system requirements should certainly set off alarms for anyone who thinks this legislation is going to deliver what it purports to provide. In my opinion, health care is out of control in terms of increased costs to people and this legislation (Obamacare) gave the companies carte blanche to gouge us even more. Eventually someone is left holding the stick and they have to pay. And gandalf, we all know it is the family dog that is doing the farting!
AecetiaParticipantThat’s because you are (Walter) looking at the real (dollar) value of the things she has stored and she is hanging on to them for the emotional value of the items, such as what the thing represented to her at that time in her life. “And never the twain shall meet.”
AecetiaParticipant[quote=temeculaguy]I just watched the opening of the Jets/Cowboys game and the New York Fire Department’s band played amazing grace on the bagpipes. I’m doing all I can to not tell walter to take one day off or to insult brian for actually being what he hates, uncultured. Your mancards are dangerously close to being revoked today.
I take pause each year to remember this day, and today it is probably the most important because it’s been long enough but not too long. This isn’t about politics, wars, economics, racism or history. It’s about appreciating the human spirit and the hero gene that is dormant in most people (but not all). I can’t explain heroism to those who lack that element in their character. The people on flight 93 were not soldiers, firemen or cops, they didn’t practice risking their lives and they didn’t start their day knowing that this was the day they would have to make that decision. Earlier today, I went into my den and read the various awards and medals I received as a young man, including the one for saving another person’s life while risking my own. My hero days are behind me, yet every time I get on a plane I run through the flight 93 scenario and ask myself if I still have what it takes to give my life for strangers today. I like to think it’s still in me, but I make no mistake in thinking there aren’t men and women out there far more brave than I, and I choose today as the day to quietly thank them, mourn them and appreciate them.
In a few months I will be making the trek to see the memorial and taking my kids with me, my son’s last trip with me before college. Before he strikes out on his own, he gets last lesson on what it means to be a man and what it means to me to be an American.
I will not be there to admire the artwork.[/quote]
You are an awesome father. I am so proud of you. Your children will never forget this trip. Sounds like you are one of those “Real Americans” that Brian talks about.
AecetiaParticipantMore like selling L.A.
September 10, 2011 at 11:57 AM in reply to: You know you’re an old-timer from San Diego when… #728786AecetiaParticipantThe London Opera House. Most of one TV news station used to go there after work. Pretty good live bands.