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- This topic has 54 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
SK in CV.
July 8, 2016 at 6:03 PM #799443July 8, 2016 at 6:22 PM #799447
Participant[quote=scaredyclassic]temecula streets are safe.
u will love it here.
i walk every day on the street. weaponless. nothing bad happened.[/quote]
dat’s cuz yoos whitey…
walk as an Islamic guy (or black) in a place that’s all white and the cops will be called…
July 8, 2016 at 6:23 PM #799448njtosd
Participant[quote=FlyerInHi][quote=bearishgurl][quote=FlyerInHi]I would go for 1) commute of less than 30 min. 2) best schools possible.
If OP tells the general area her husband works then people could post better recommendations.[/quote]
Agree with the commute time, FIH. But “best schools possible” in the ~$400K (or less) price range for a 3/2/2 (and a ~$1200 mo PITI payment) might actually be in an attendance area of a school rated a 7 or 8 (if you’re lucky). And that’s actually okay!
Since you have never been a parent, you have never had to face reality in this manner.[/quote]
BG, I know lots with families kids and I observe.
I have it all planned out. One day I will adapt an orphan from a poor country and give him/her the best education in America and Europe, with frequent travel to the home country. That kid will grow up to be a polyglot super human.[/quote]I had friends who did this – a French couple living here in the US in a large city. They adopted kids from overseas that, as it turned out, had significant behavioral issues (that is a euphemism but I won’t go into details). The kids have torn the family apart. Raising a child as a single parent would be TOUGH – the fact that you act like you’re buying a dog or some fish makes me wonder (even more) about what planet you are from.
July 8, 2016 at 7:05 PM #799450jfel
ParticipantThank you all for your responses. Sorry for the delay- my little one has been down with a nasty virus.
More info about our situation: My husband is in his mid-30s and I’m in my late 20s. There is not much more income potential at my husband’s current job. He is an EMT and for what he does he has the highest paying employer in the county. It is far from his dream job and though a career change into a field with more opportunity is possible (he does have a business degree) we know that if he were to do this it would be entry-level and there will be a pay-cut initially. This is another reason why we wouldn’t want to borrow more than 150k.
We don’t plan on having any more children and being in the best school district isn’t our top concern. Before having kids we decided we would homeschool-this decision still stands. So to answer your question barnaby, safety trumps schools. However, this doesn’t mean we want to completely ignore a prospective neighborhood’s school ratings as this seems to be somewhat telling of the community and an important factor for buyers should there come a day we sell. (Right? or are these rating over-emphasized?)
As far as my income potential, I will remain at home and be the primary one homeschooling.
How much we feel comfortable spending on monthly payments is pretty set in stone. We are not opposed to condo/townhouse living but it seems that many of the older communities have HOAs in the $300-$400s while newer ones have MR and sometimes 2 HOAs. Since HOAs only go up and not many cover more than landscaping and common grounds, it seems silly to not just borrow a little more to get into a detached house when what we would have to pay every month will end up being about the same.
We recently saw a few units in the Alicante community in San Miguel and we think it would be a great place for us. But the thought of one day having a paid off home yet still continuing to pay nearly $300 in HOAs and another $130 in MR plus property taxes doesn’t sit well. Maybe I’m being too demanding? Is this just the way of life now? Paying tyrant strangers to tell you what you can’t do so that you can store your stinky garbage in the garage of your tri-level home?
Here is the unit we considered and ultimately passed on: http://www.sdlookup.com/MLS-160028566-362_Callesita_Mariola_Chula_Vista_CA_91914
DIY skills: I’m the handy one between the two of us, but thats not saying much. I did help my dad and his business partner flip a couple houses back when I was in high school….but again thats not saying much. Not afraid to get my hands dirty but in the end we would hire a professional to re-do floors, bathrooms, the kitchen etc. Oddly enough it just so happens that one of the houses we flipped is on the market (and it looks like its been sitting.) http://www.sdlookup.com/MLS-160002896-8840_Hammond_San_Diego_CA_92123
Location: A dream location for us would be along the “president streets” in La Mesa, off of Lemon & Glenn. But I know the houses in that specific neighborhood are above our means. There is currently a totally fixer on Jefferson for sale there but it would be way too much strain on our savings to spend another $100k just to make it habitable.
We are okay with Lakeside and we’re flirting with Ramona. If my husband stays at his current job, Ramona would be great (I think? I’ve actually never been but the people I know from Ramona love it there.) My husband works in Lakeside.
July 8, 2016 at 7:09 PM #799451jfel
Participant[quote=bearishgurl] The “perception of safety” is in the eye of the beholder. Frequently, the people who feel the most safe in their neighborhoods are the ones who grew up there or have lived there the longest. Outsiders considering moving into a particular area often “perceive” it not to be “safe” based upon superficial physical attributes such as older homes, older streets, overhead lines, and non-tile roofs. Also due to the existence of mom-and-pop stores and small local businesses instead of big-box stores and large supermarkets which need a vehicle to get to. The perception of a particular area not being “safe” to live in or walk in is a crock of BS conjured up by ignorant “outsiders” who know nothing of the particular area, its “culture” or its people. [/quote]
Bearishgurl you are right in saying that the perception of safety is whats key. Its true that I am an outsider to west Chula Vista; I grew up in both PQ and in the Fairmont Park area and my husband grew up in Bonita. Throughout our marriage we’ve lived in CV, but only east of the 805. Its not the culture, or “it’s people,” or mom & pop shops that make me feel unsafe. I don’t think most San Diego natives feel uncomfortable by “different cultures” and certainly not mom & pop shops? My great-grandfather came to San Diego from China and established the first asian grocery store here, which my family ran for generations. One of our locations was in CV and our stores had lots of “ethnic foods” including hispanic and filipino to cater to the diverse range of customers. Diversity is not what makes me feel unsafe. We are a mixed family…we blend right in.
Its the location of this house that has me hesitant to stay here; it sits on the corner of a busy street- lots of cars as well as foot traffic. Its the type of street where people dump furniture. Our side fence gets tagged up every few months and occasionally we will run into homeless men searching through our neighbors’ recyclables. When we first moved in, a prostitute was loitering in our front yard, and was eventually arrested for possession. For better or for worse when we moved here I started subscribing to spot crime updates for the area. The cul-de-sac itself is great, the neighboring streets are great… but being on such a main street we are on the cusp of lots of crime that trickles in from the west. This is what I mean by not feeling safe enough to go on a walk alone here.
But looking at the facts, besides the graffiti and having to dispose of the prostitute’s trash… we haven’t had anything actually bad happen to us. Our next-door neighbor takes her poodles out for walks; it wouldn’t be that hard to go with her and learn her route. Also talking it over more with my husband, we could put in a flood light on the side of the house that faces the busy street and we could even install a security system or get a big dog to give me peace of mind for when I’m alone.
July 8, 2016 at 7:24 PM #799452jfel
Participant[quote=no_such_reality]Is the landlord of sound mind? Does she like you? Can the sentimental reasons for her holding it be converted into a sentimental helping a nice family live new memories or the memories she’s holding on to via a rent to own or a rent to own, purchase and landlord carry a private note back?[/quote]
The owner moved out of state to be taken care of by one of her kids. Before that, she had been living on her own. Her son lives in north county but has a lot on his plate (family/health related.) When we first moved in about a year and half ago, it was made clear that both her kids desire to sell the house when she passes.
Upon reading everyone’s replies, its now seems silly-obvious to me that the current circumstances may work out in our favor. What I can’t imagine is why none of her adult grandchildren want this home? But I certainly wont bring that up.
Could you tell me more about rent to own as well as what you mean by “a rent to own, purchase and landlord carry a private note back? Sorry to be so dense- I’m completely a newbie.
July 8, 2016 at 7:31 PM #799453La Jolla Renter
Yikes, your rental deal isn’t sounding like such a deal. Thank god nothing bad has happened to you, but it sure sounds more like it’s just a matter of time.
I hope you can find something else to buy.
July 8, 2016 at 10:57 PM #799456jfel
ParticipantLa Jolla Renter-
According to all our neighbors, who have lived here for 10-25+ years, this type of activity is uncommon. They were quite shocked about the prostitute situation and the graffiti by gangs has only been a recent thing within the last few years.Though, that doesn’t make me feel better…Of course we did not know any of this when we first moved in… but knowing it now makes me hesitant to stay here for the long haul, nonetheless buy.
July 11, 2016 at 10:23 PM #799528gzz
ParticipantHi jfel, I think if your husband works in Lakeside, you should buy a house there, and do so ASAP.
Right now rates are very low, and in my view prices will soon rise.
There seem to be plenty of nice houses in Lakeside in the 350-450 range.
Low crime seems to be very important, so I suggest looking for higher prices (try to go up to 450) and big lot sizes of both the house and the neighborhood.
Having a short commute will allow your husband to have more time for his family and hobbies, reduce the risk of traffic accident, reduce car insurance, and reduce gas expense and vehicle wear.
You are also in luck that the Lakeside market is not super-tight as other parts of San Diego. You’ll have a decent selection in your range.
When budgeting don’t forget to include the value of the mortgage interest deduction. A four-member family with 65k in income and a 150k mortgage is not going to get a very big tax break when they buy, but your federal and state taxes will probably go down about $2,500 per year.
July 12, 2016 at 9:24 AM #799537jfel
ParticipantThanks for the insight, gzz!
July 12, 2016 at 10:45 AM #799538FlyerInHi
GuestLook at the ratings (i did not). I think Santee, right next door, has better schools, and a lot more convenient shopping.
Otherwise, being near work is awesome.
July 12, 2016 at 11:22 AM #799546cvmom
ParticipantJfel, we have friends in Lakeside who have lived there for years and know the community very well (and love it!). PM me and I would be happy to put you in touch with them for an info exchange.
July 12, 2016 at 12:03 PM #799550bearishgurl
ParticipantSorry for late reply. I had peeps in from out of town.
jfel, if your rental home sits on a “busy corner,” it suffers from “economic obsolescence” no matter what is going on in the immediate vicinity. Therefore, it is not a good buy unless purchased solely as an investment with a very deep discount. Your owner/heirs will most certainly find this out when they try to list it but this is not your problem.
Based upon your description of your current neighborhood “problems,” I’m going to take an educated guess that if you still reside east of the 805, your “spillover riff-raff” is coming under/over the fwy from the Castle Park area. Therefore, you must live in or around the Deerpark subdivision off of E Naples or along Oleander, which is a fairly “busy” street. Hilltop Drive east to the 805 fwy from south of L St all the way to Main St has the (scattered) “problem” you described, which is most pronounced along Hilltop Drive from Naples to Orange Ave (front of CPHS).
The rest of western Chula Vista doesn’t have this particular problem.
I agree with gzz about considering buying in Lakeside, especially since your spouse will have no commute from there. You can find a larger lot size with a decent-sized family home on it in Lakeside and there is certainly more inventory out there to choose from (mainly due to heat and distance from SD). But overall, it is a good place for a SD County lower/moderate income family to raise their families in.
Before you shop for houses, however, I’m going to advise you to get legal advice from a qualified CA family law attorney as well as a probate attorney. I’m a paralegal (not a lawyer, but I’ve seen many different thorny “situations” people get themselves into) so I can’t give you any legal advice. In any case, a lawyer wouldn’t be able to advise you without knowing all the details of your situation.
[quote=jfel]Our situation: my husband makes about 50-60k (before taxes), we have a 1 1/2 year old and a baby on the way. Recently I lost my parents and have inherited a small goose-egg.[/quote]
jfel, you are very young to have lost both your parents and for that, you have my condolences. But you need to know that your “inheritance” belongs to you and only you unless you “commingle” it (i.e. deposit some or all of it in a joint account or use some or all of it as the entire downpayment on real property which is only half owned by you or owned by a marital “community”). Doing this could change the “character” of your inheritance and you may already be aware that CA is a “community-property state.”
[quote=jfel]As far as my income potential, I will remain at home and be the primary one homeschooling.[/quote]jfel, I don’t know if you have graduated from college or occupational school, but if not, you should consider using some of your inheritance (or the income from it) to get a college degree or occupational certificate while your kids are young (and FT daycare is expensive). In your late 20’s, you are essentially saying here that you plan on remaining at home for the next 18-19 years so you can homeschool, assuming your kids don’t end up deciding they want to attend public school from grades 7-12 or 9-12 (to obtain a permanent record of A-G and other requirements for entry into the UC/CSU). Since you say you’re only having two kids, by the time your youngest kid graduates from HS, you will be 45-50 years old and without any work experience in decades (or no work experience at all) you will likely not be hired anywhere. I don’t feel that it’s a good plan for a young person to put all their eggs in one basket (so to speak), because “life DOES happen” along the way … and even moreso when one has minor children to raise.
If it was your spouse posting here (employed or not), or any married male “heir,” for that matter, I would tell them the exact same thing I’m telling you … and that is to seek legal advice … and the sooner, the better.
jfel, you’ve got a l-o-o-ong road ahead of you but you are very fortunate that, in your twenties, you are financially secure enough to develop Plan A, B and C for your life … however it goes …. BEFORE you make BIG financial decisions! The vast majority of your millenial counterparts do not have these choices so I urge you not to blow the ONE chance in life you may have to get it right and get your financial house in order.
July 12, 2016 at 12:36 PM #799551SK in CV
Participant[quote=bearishgurl]But you need to know that your “inheritance” belongs to you and only you unless you “commingle” it (i.e. deposit some or all of it in a joint account or use some or all of it as the entire downpayment on real property which is only half owned by you or owned by a marital “community”). Doing this could change the “character” of your inheritance and you may already be aware that CA is a “community-property state.”
Probably the main reason you shouldn’t be giving legal advice is that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Separate property that is used for a down payment on a home, even if the home is purchased as community property, is reimbursable in a divorce. (See Ca Family §2640) The advice about seeing an attorney is sound.
July 12, 2016 at 1:01 PM #799553bearishgurl
Participant[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]But you need to know that your “inheritance” belongs to you and only you unless you “commingle” it (i.e. deposit some or all of it in a joint account or use some or all of it as the entire downpayment on real property which is only half owned by you or owned by a marital “community”). Doing this could change the “character” of your inheritance and you may already be aware that CA is a “community-property state.”
Probably the main reason you shouldn’t be giving legal advice is that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Separate property that is used for a down payment on a home, even if the home is purchased as community property, is reimbursable in a divorce. (See Ca Family §2640) The advice about seeing an attorney is sound.[/quote]I understand all this and have seen the reimbursement partitioned at the time of a divorce settlement WHEN there was enough equity in the “family home.” But if there is not enough equity in the property at the time of divorce filing (to “reimburse” the downpayment paid by one party), then all bets are off.
I gave jfel this advice because she stated here that she didn’t expect to have an income of her own for ~20 years. As you know, that is pretty hard to forecast for a twenty-something with soon-to-be two kids.
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