- This topic has 335 replies, 42 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
December 16, 2012 at 4:15 AM #756368December 16, 2012 at 4:36 AM #756369
CA renter
ParticipantInteresting article about prescription drugs:
“While most major causes of preventable death are declining, drugs are an exception. The death toll has doubled in the last decade, now claiming a life every 14 minutes. By contrast, traffic accidents have been dropping for decades because of huge investments in auto safety.
Public health experts have used the comparison to draw attention to the nation’s growing prescription drug problem, which they characterize as an epidemic. This is the first time that drugs have accounted for more fatalities than traffic accidents since the government started tracking drug-induced deaths in 1979.
Fueling the surge in deaths are prescription pain and anxiety drugs that are potent, highly addictive and especially dangerous when combined with one another or with other drugs or alcohol. Among the most commonly abused are OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax and Soma. One relative newcomer to the scene is Fentanyl, a painkiller that comes in the form of patches and lollipops and is 100 times more powerful than morphine.
Such drugs now cause more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined.”
Marijuana, OTOH, has caused no known deaths.
If we really wanted to save lives, we’d outlaw many of these prescription drugs and make marijuana legal. It would probably help people who are prone to violence, too.
————-The bottom line is that we have to stop glorifying violence, rednecks, gang culture, etc. and start encouraging people to have more personal contact with others instead of texting (or blogging!) all day long. We also need to have a comprehensive plan for dealing with mentally ill people. Putting them out on the streets is not the answer.
December 16, 2012 at 8:00 AM #756375SK in CV
Participant[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=SK in CV]Wouldn’t it be nice if there was something….anything…that could be done to reduce the likelihood of these kinds of events happening. I can’t imagine what it might be. But whatever it might be, we can’t ever dare mention the elephant in the room.[/quote]
SK: I’m presuming you mean gun control? How would a gun ban have prevented this? The .223 Bushmaster he used was a pre-ban weapon acquired legally in 1993.
Metro cities like NYC and Chicago that have extremely stringent gun laws still unfortunately have high rates of gun violence (because the criminal element is acquiring the guns elsewhere.). Which would mean a nationwide ban on ALL guns, which I’m guessing is that proverbial elephant in the room.[/quote]
I think there is something between what we have now and a nationwide ban on all guns. The fact that it may have been acquired legally is the point. Is there a good reason why that particular gun is legal?
I do understand the inherent problems in gun control. Make them (or some of them) illegal, and only criminals have them. This gun was owned by a non-criminal. If it was illegal to own, would she have owned it? I’ve seen no evidence that she was a criminal. (Though there have been some allusions that she may have been a bit whacked.)
I am somewhat sympathetic to the RKBA arguments. In theory anyway. Though many seem hollow, inconsistent, and often hypocritical.
December 16, 2012 at 10:46 AM #756379Allan from Fallbrook
ParticipantSK: I’ll need to verify this, but the DailyKos article beatrix cited indicated that the Bushmaster rifle was in the car at the time of the shooting, which means the shootings were carried out with a Glock and Sig-Sauer semi-automatic pistol.
My point is this: The Bushmaster would have been banned under the Clinton-era legislation, but the pistols wouldn’t (they would, however, have been limited to 10rd magazines). As a former soldier, SK, you’re well aware of how much damage you can inflict with a handgun and how quickly magazines can be exchanged, even reduced capacity 10rd magazines.
For that matter, a 12ga pump shotgun is an equally devastating weapon close-in. You can walk into Big5 and buy a Mossberg or Remington over the counter.
You don’t need a Bushmaster, or an AK, to commit this kind of horrific act, which leaves you with a complete gun ban as the answer.
December 16, 2012 at 11:54 AM #756378Coronita
ParticipantThere is no answer to this problem.. Unless you outright ban guns, someone is always gonna find a way around rules or bend them to get a gun.
What happened in conn, you have to ask how the son (which was already diagnosed with something that probably indicated he was a pseudo-sociopath) had a gun, that apparently the mother bought for him.
Question #1: why did the mother need to buy the gun for the son to begin with? (Me thinks because probably the son couldn’t get one himself).
Question #2: what sane parent would buy a kid with a pseudo-sociopath diagnosis a gun (unless the parent was in denial).
My personal opinion? The mother was 100% to blame.Well maybe not 100% (but close to it)…
Anyone who buys a gun for someone else is just asking for it..
And there lies the problem….In order for this not to happen, people with the ability to purchase guns for someone else has to be capable of exercising good judgement….A lot of people don’t have that..No amount of legislation, or background check, or regulation is gonna “fix” this issue…unless we outright ban guns.
So we either live an a country with no guns, or we live with the consequences that things like this will always happen. Anything else in between ain’t gonna work…
Pick your poison pill.
December 16, 2012 at 1:13 PM #756383SK in CV
Participant[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]SK: I’ll need to verify this, but the DailyKos article beatrix cited indicated that the Bushmaster rifle was in the car at the time of the shooting, which means the shootings were carried out with a Glock and Sig-Sauer semi-automatic pistol.
My point is this: The Bushmaster would have been banned under the Clinton-era legislation, but the pistols wouldn’t (they would, however, have been limited to 10rd magazines). As a former soldier, SK, you’re well aware of how much damage you can inflict with a handgun and how quickly magazines can be exchanged, even reduced capacity 10rd magazines.
For that matter, a 12ga pump shotgun is an equally devastating weapon close-in. You can walk into Big5 and buy a Mossberg or Remington over the counter.
You don’t need a Bushmaster, or an AK, to commit this kind of horrific act, which leaves you with a complete gun ban as the answer.[/quote]
I was watching the news much of the day on Friday, and heard that same thing repeated during the day, that the Bushmaster was found in the car. But the ME said that every body he autopsied was shot by the long gun. (I saw the interview, it wasn’t someone reporting that he said it.) And all slugs recovered from all the victims were all .223s. All with more than a single wound, the 7 he performed, all had 3-11 slugs.
Use of legal pistols only may not have prevented it from happening. But it may have reduced the number of casualties.
December 16, 2012 at 2:08 PM #756386paramount
Participant[quote=CA renter] We also need to have a comprehensive plan for dealing with mentally ill people. Putting them out on the streets is not the answer.[/quote]
I agree, the other thing that comes to mind is that not all mentally ill are or will be criminals.
December 16, 2012 at 2:23 PM #756387mike92104
ParticipantThe problem with the gun control argument is the assumption that a person willing to carry out such horrific acts would care whether the gun was legal or not.
December 16, 2012 at 2:30 PM #756388SK in CV
Participant[quote=mike92104]The problem with the gun control argument is the assumption that a person willing to carry out such horrific acts would care whether the gun was legal or not.[/quote]
Well that pretty much sums it up. Criminals don’t obey laws. Therefore, don’t make laws.
December 16, 2012 at 3:06 PM #756389Allan from Fallbrook
ParticipantSK: I agree that pistols only would likely have reduced the number of casualties. The Bushmaster is a semi-auto version of the M-16/M-4 and generally feeds from a 30rd magazine. We were taught to fire semi-auto, for accuracy and control, and you can put a lot of .223 out, even in semi-auto. It’s a nasty round, no doubt about it and designed for the single purpose of creating an inoperable wound channel.
That said, I remain torn on gun control for assault rifles. I recently attended an Active Shooter scenario in downtown San Francisco. The SFPD SWAT team had fully auto M-4s, concussion grenades and looked virtually indistinguishable from a full-blown military unit. One of them joked about “shock and awe” following their breaching maneuver and I remembered thinking that we live in a different world now and that I mistrust my government now more than ever.
Perhaps this sounds overly paranoid to you, but the thought of voluntarily disarming myself in the face of ever-increasing government intrusion and control just doesn’t seem like a good idea.
December 16, 2012 at 3:49 PM #756391SK in CV
Participant[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]
Perhaps this sounds overly paranoid to you, but the thought of voluntarily disarming myself in the face of ever-increasing government intrusion and control just doesn’t seem like a good idea.[/quote]I totally get that part. I happen to fear government intrusion only slightly less than I fear those more paranoid than you, those accumulating both weapons and ammunition in anticipation of what they see as an inevitably necessary armed resurrection.
December 16, 2012 at 4:36 PM #756392flyer
Participant[quote=SK in CV][quote=Allan from Fallbrook]
Perhaps this sounds overly paranoid to you, but the thought of voluntarily disarming myself in the face of ever-increasing government intrusion and control just doesn’t seem like a good idea.[/quote]I totally get that part. I happen to fear government intrusion only slightly less than I fear those more paranoid than you, those accumulating both weapons and ammunition in anticipation of what they see as an inevitably necessary armed resurrection.[/quote]
Personally, I think both opinions above represent valid concerns, but, sadly, I think far more insidious elements (debt, unemployment, etc., etc.) have, are, and will continue to destroy the quality of life for present and future generations to a far greater degree.
December 16, 2012 at 5:29 PM #756393ocrenter
Participant[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]SK: I agree that pistols only would likely have reduced the number of casualties. The Bushmaster is a semi-auto version of the M-16/M-4 and generally feeds from a 30rd magazine. We were taught to fire semi-auto, for accuracy and control, and you can put a lot of .223 out, even in semi-auto. It’s a nasty round, no doubt about it and designed for the single purpose of creating an inoperable wound channel.
That said, I remain torn on gun control for assault rifles. I recently attended an Active Shooter scenario in downtown San Francisco. The SFPD SWAT team had fully auto M-4s, concussion grenades and looked virtually indistinguishable from a full-blown military unit. One of them joked about “shock and awe” following their breaching maneuver and I remembered thinking that we live in a different world now and that I mistrust my government now more than ever.
Perhaps this sounds overly paranoid to you, but the thought of voluntarily disarming myself in the face of ever-increasing government intrusion and control just doesn’t seem like a good idea.[/quote]
To me, I simply can not envision any reason for the possession of semi-automatics other than to join the militia or something like that.
December 16, 2012 at 5:30 PM #756394spdrun
ParticipantBasically all pistols sold other than revolvers are semi-auto.
December 16, 2012 at 5:58 PM #756395Allan from Fallbrook
Participant[quote=spdrun]Basically all pistols sold other than revolvers are semi-auto.[/quote]
Spdrun: Um, yeah, not so much. A pistol is a pistol and a revolver is a revolver, and never the twain shall meet.
In terms of fully automatic handguns, I’d refer you to the Beretta 93R, along with similar offerings from Browning and Glock.
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