[quote=Hobie]It would be helpful if the ignoree could see how many have added him to their personal list. Not necessary who, but a count. ie. may help them vote themselves off the island or change their tune…[/quote]This might be useful. The specifics of who is unimportant. Sometimes a little ‘hint’ helps behavior modification. Of course someone could abuse it by creating several new accounts and have all of those new accounts ignore a specific user.. bumping up their ‘count’… so its usefulness may be limited.
[quote=sdrealtor]I’d change my opinions but they are always right so why bother?[/quote]
I change most opinions twice a day.
And they are always right even when they change.
I’m liking having this option. There’s really only one poster I can think of right now I’d ignore, and they haven’t posted on this thread (yet). When EVERY comment someone makes is an attempt to threadjack for their personal preferred political candidate, ignoring is probably the best option.
Ignoring a problem does make it go away?
[quote=walterwhite]I’m pretty sure that this whole ignore user thing was directed at me.[/quote]
No – your comments are way to short to even bother ignoring.
BG, though. If I ignored her posts, it would likely increase the bandwidth of my neighbors’ internet connections.
awesome, thx
[quote=walterwhite]I’m pretty sure that this whole ignore user thing was directed at me.[/quote]
Heck no, scaredy! This place just wouldn’t be the same without your musings. 🙂
thank you. obviously my pathetic mewling was just a pitiful cry for positive feedback.
[quote=walterwhite]thank you. obviously my pathetic mewling was just a pitiful cry for positive feedback.[/quote]
Yes, it was.
But, I have admired many of the laconic scaredy posts. Efficiency in expression, yet sometimes thought provoking.
If I ignore you, it will be accidental.
How come nobody responds to my posts an anymore?
Is this thing on? tap tap….Hello????? Anybody home?????
My greatest weakness is an overwhelming desire to be liked.
Where’s a ‘like’ button when I need one? 😉
(and also a big lol to SK – I laughed out loud)
What I want to know is what is going to happen when someone quotes an ignored user.
Does the quote get removed, or is it still visible?