As of today there are 197 active listings for 92118. This is for detached and attached homes. Now there are also 20 pendings which means we are at about 1 to 11 active to pending ratio. That is mighty poor my friends. Now since 1/1/08 there have been a total of 13 sold homes. Out of those 13 sales only 4 of them were for detached homes. Now in that same timeframe there have been 64 homes that are either cancelled, expired or withdrawn. Wowsers. So we are talking close to 4 out of 5 homes on the market in Coronado do not sell. (again this is for attached AND detached homes lumped together)
Anyways if you want more stats lemme know. I do think we will see Coronado go down, it will just be a bit later in the cycle.