- This topic has 37 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 7 months ago by
August 24, 2006 at 4:55 PM #7298August 24, 2006 at 5:05 PM #33076
Participant1) Rent
2) have never owned (29 yrs old)
3) N/A
4) Kinda just figured since I make good coin and still can’t touch anything that things were out of whack, then stumbled upon Pigginton last fall.
5) Most likely to move out of San Diego in about a year.
6) N/A
7) Yes, have been priced out. Would like to pay about 300k for a nice 3 bed/2 bath home either here in SD or somewhere else on the west coast.August 24, 2006 at 5:08 PM #33077waiting hawk
Participant1) Renting
2) Sold March 2006. Took 30% haircut to dump property
3) Sold past peak
4) Saw it coming in 2003 but really knew it in summer of 2004
5) NoAugust 24, 2006 at 5:14 PM #33078barnaby33
2)Never Owned
4)Billboard on balboa ave saying “Stress-less mortgages, call Troy!” The guy was a used car salesman hocking mortagages. I knew something had to be wrong.
5)I would buy in several of my former neighborhoods
7)I am the poster child for priced out. Lived in SD most of my life, graduated from CSUSM in 98. By the time I saved 10k prices were out of control. I could buy now, but no thanks. 1999/2000 per square foot prices and I would buy. San Diego is my home, but if my choices are Escondido, El Cajon/Santee, or South Bay I would just as soon leave.Josh
August 24, 2006 at 5:24 PM #33079JES
Participant1) Rent
2) Yes, sold March 2006
3) After the peak, but only about 4% below peak value
4) Decided there was a bubble because of slowing sales and my own research. And common sense as well!
5) Will not buy back in same n-hood.
6) NA
7) NAAugust 24, 2006 at 5:34 PM #33082(former)FormerSanDiegan
Participant1) Own (LA)
2) Sold personal residence in July 2005 for self-directed job move (tech company). RE cycle was a factor, but not primary.
3) Sold at the Peak. Sold personal residence in SD in July 2005 for 820K (purchased in 2000 for 280K + 150K improvements). Purchased first SD house in 1996. Feel lucky, not smart.
4) I wrongly thought we were near a bubble peak in 2003, based on previous cycle. Found Piggington this Spring 06.
5) No, still own a second house (rental) there.
6) Yes, Considered also selling rental.
7) N/AAugust 24, 2006 at 5:37 PM #33081LA_Renter
Participant1. Rent
2. Sold in 2003 in Seattle/Kirkland, relocated to So Cal for job
3. We sold before market peak but value of townhome doubled since I purchased in 93
4. Independent analysis/research on internet which led me to piggingtons, housingbubble, etc
5. We would relocate to Kirkland Wa if we could, two very good jobs here right now.August 24, 2006 at 5:39 PM #33085Anonymous
Guest1) Renting
2) Sold Fall 2001
3) Sold way before the peak, but still pocketed substantial profit
4) Through friends and independent analysis I realized that prices were starting to be overvalued (by historical measures)in 2001.
5) Not sure where I want to buy back into, probably not my former neighborhoods.August 24, 2006 at 5:52 PM #33095Chrispy
Participant1) Renting
2) Sold one in 2002, bought another, sold that one in spring 2004
3) Sold about a year early but didn’t care – wanted to get out of owning for reasons other than financial. Making money was a bonus.
4) Gut feeling was something was wrong but didn’t know the Prof back then
5) Would NOT buy back in either neighborhood – nothing against the neighborhoods, but want to discover a new neighborhood next timeAugust 24, 2006 at 5:56 PM #33098Anonymous
GuestLong time lurker, first time poster.
1)I rent, after making the move from SD to LA
2)I sold in February due to a job change, but had been eyeing the market cautiously for some time
3)Could have made more if I had sold in Aug or Sept of 2005
4)After reading lots on the topic, I concluded there was a bubble in April or May. A friend of mine warned me about a bubble several years ago, and a former co-worker sold in 2003 to bubble sit. A little early, but doing well now.
5)No, not going to move back to SD. Wages are much lower than LA and contrary to popular opinion, not everyone wants to live in San Diego. It’s a nice thing for San Diegans to say and even believe, but as a local (born there in 1975), I have no intention to move back.August 24, 2006 at 6:01 PM #33100powayseller
Participant1) Rent
2) Yes, sold 1/06
3) After the peak, but only about 5% below peak value
4) piggington
5) undecidedThe reason we have intellectuals and no bitterness here is because of the intellectual leadership (yeah, Rich). His style, the charts and data, attract rational, intelligent people. I really believe it is the emphasis on data that has kept the atmosphere calm.
August 24, 2006 at 6:07 PM #33102burger007
Participant1) OWN
2) N/A, but I did sell my place in Cary,NC in 2004 after renting that out for 5 years, it was an impulse buy out of college.
3) N/A
4) news, independent analysis, Piggingtons. Combo of all of the above.
5) N/A
6) No
7) N/AAugust 24, 2006 at 6:48 PM #33109an
Participant1) Rent
2) Nope, only 26, so missed the run up by default.
3) N/A
4) My dad told me about his mistake when he bought in 1989. Did my own research and things are out of line with fundamental.
5) Will buy back when time/price is right.
6) N/A
7) I’m only 26, graduated 3-4 years ago, so by the time I saved up some money, things are already out of whack. So I’m priced out for now. I can buy now but i choose not to. I will buy when price make sense compare with rent.August 24, 2006 at 7:03 PM #33111PerryChase
Participant1) Own in suburb. Purchased a long time ago.
2) Own. Bubble but lifestyle decision to own.
3) Still own. Hate packing. Everything in the house is just the way I like it.
4) Independent analysis
5) Stay in San Diego but want to move to Central San Diego (downtown, mission hills, hillcrest, point loma, bay park…). Hate impersonal suburban life.August 24, 2006 at 7:23 PM #33114Daniel
Participant1) Rent
2) Never owned (30 yrs old), although I actually do own speculative land in faraway places (would you have guessed that?)
3) N/A
4) Independent analysis (which, as #7 below shows, was not initially very good)
5) I will buy in the area where I now rent, and probably a house very similar to the one I’m renting. In other words, when I picked a rental, I picked a house where I would actually like to live for several years.
6) N/A
7) I moved to SD in 2003. In retrospect, I should have bought then, but decided that the market looked “rich”, and thought it would roll over. By next year, the bubble was in full swing, and there was no question that it was overpriced. I can afford to buy today pretty much anywhere I want in SD county, but I choose not to. -
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