[quote=zk][quote=Blogstar]Yes I am taking a stand on upbringing.
Well, that right there says that you’re emotional about it. And it seems your emotion is getting in the way of a clear assessment of the situation.
I disagree that the article says nothing about that. It says everything about it. The kid was mentally very bad on every single difficult item with life and american culture the article covers that. His upbringing didn’t to a very terrible degree. [/quote]
The article says he was “mentally very bad.” It doesn’t say why. It doesn’t say that his upbringing didn’t cover it. How do you know his upbringing “didn’t [cover it] to a very terrible degree?” Where are you getting that information from?
Besides that the topic of this thread is “Parenting and the Santa Barbara Shooter”
I am just staying on topic.[/quote]
I’m all for staying on topic. But just because the topic of this thread is “Parenting and the Santa Barbara Shooter” doesn’t mean that that’s what the article was about.[/quote