[quote=Zeitgeist]All those hard working, disciplined Piggs who did their homework and saved, waiting for the flood of homes to bring the prices down to where they should be if the market were allowed to operate freely are being punished for their restraint. I do not feel sorry for the people who lost their houses that were part of the liar loans. If the government had not been corrupted by those who decided to intervene and allow unqualified people to buy houses they realistically could not afford, then allowed said loans to be sliced and diced and sold to Chinese investors, then the irrational pricing would have never occurred. Now the government is making a bad situation worse with its idiotic bailouts. Obviously they are very fearful of the consequences of unbridled homelessness on the inner cities and the suburbs. They must remember, burn, baby, burn and summer started today.
If they do not interfere some of you diligent folks will be able to invest in homes and rentals and you will finally be rewarded for your restraint, instead of punished.[/quote]
AMEN!! (Even if I don’t support Palin.) (but don’t let this digress to politics – just saying)
[quote=Zeitgeist] When you give someone a crutch you weaken them and you cannot spend your way into prosperity.[/quote]
Don’t give them fish. TEACH them to fish!
[quote=Zeitgeist] Happy now, I am just fuzzy on animals. Besides the cats enjoy watching the birds. It is their version of Animal Planet.[/quote]