[quote=yuhtey]i think this one is pretty obvious: absolutely not, at least not until they are under 24/7 surveillance by the FBI in-person. like the air-marshall technique only for buildings.
several thoughts come to my mind:
first if the “compound” is “under 24/7 surveillance by the FBI in-person” then this is a positive if one in inclined to follow/believe in the keynesian economics school of thought
once a program is announced there would be an immediate trickle down effect of federal money spent “locally” for donuts and coffee
of course one must account for the long term economic stimulus of a business in the medical field treating FBI personal for diabetes/obesity on such a 24/7/365 surveillance mission
I’m also guessing “24/7 surveillance by the FBI in-person” in the scenario you suggest would be akin to knowledge gained of other “potential terrorist organizations” I have read about
knowing that CAP (combat air patrol) by the USAF or air national guard eats into their budgets perhaps this might also be an opportunity to do some R/D for a local startup drone company
if the risk analysis shows a low probability perhaps 24/7 surveillance could be an opportunity to teach drone building “technical” skills to elementary school kids and perhaps enlightening them to potential pitfalls of not using critical thinking…
in the end seems like a buying opportunity (economically speaking) if the fear factor lowers RE values since I’m guessing then there will always be “investors” willing to bet that over time things will work them selves out