“You want to rent!? Are you Serious? Is all my sacrafice raising your kids while you live at work so we can rent? Is that what you want me to tell my mother? And you want to rent for “years” so we can be pushed out by the owner when the market recovers and he wants to sell. Are you on drugs? That’s it, I am going to my mother’s!”
I swear I thought I asked my wife previously about possibly renting. I did didn’t I? I must have shared that with you guys in the past. Tell me I did. This was essentially the response I got last night when I suggested we consdider renting. It was like I never brought it up before. I know I did. I am sure I did.
It was in the context of selling our current house before we buy a new one. The logic of that did not stand a chance once I used the “R” word.
I am typing with a high pitch key stroke in real time and can hardly walk. I am not sure I physically able to continue to populate the planet after that reaction. I need medical attention.