You truly area glutton for punishment. First you ignore the point which is that the sellers in that hood still had time to hold out for a higher price than OCR claimed they could get. He made that claim for 18 months and several weeks ago someone else was able to sell that model in the 500’s.
While RE markets dont turn on a dime, the dollars involved are huge. Timing makes a BIG difference. Most Realtors and consumers for that matter think $5,000 is no big deal. Personally, I never spend my clients money for them and when they take their own money lightly I usually ask them something to the effect of how quick would you be to hand over $5,000 if I stacked 50 $100 bills in your hand right now. Understanding the timing of things allows you to know when to say no to an offer and when to say yes. Timing is always important and makes the difference between matching the market and beating the market (whatever it may be at a given time). Case closed on that one.
Regarding the client that bought in 2005 who isnt underwater. There is one regular poster on this board that I have communicated personally with. You all know him well. I have already emailed him the comps to prove it. If I havent proven it to him, I will encourage him to label me a fraud. If that doesnt satisfy you, I can have let Rich know I proved it to him (as it was Rich who helped put us together). I would prefer not to bother Rich though with something as petty as this.
I’ve had 30+ years of digging out of snow myself. I also visit the desert 3 to 5 times a year and love the desert a few days at a time that is. Given the choice between full time imprisonment in a furnace with limited culture, no pro sports, etc. and icy cold winters with a real city nearby and pro sports I’d take the later every time. BTW, with gas around $5/gallon those quick jaunts down to the beach every weekend will cost you at least $50 a pop.
And lastly, not proof reading my posts and the rsultant poor spelling/grammer has always been my signature a round here.