You should be very careful in how your words are expressed out of fear for how they will be received. I personally think that there are certain things that can be somewhat summarized based on race, such as certain test scores. However, there are a multitude of factors that play a part in why people score the way that they do, and many of them just happen to fall along racial lines. They aren’t necessarily genetic. Although I think that genetics plays a big role in a lot of things, I believe they are tempered by social and environmental factors that are so much more difficult to quantify.
Whenever you start to go down the path of saying such and such a race is genetically superior or inferior for whatever reason, you are simply asking for trouble.
I think that powayseller should be given the benefit of the doubt and forgiven…much in the same way that Reggie White was forgiven (by many). I don’t think her intent was one of malice or bigotry.