You are correct that it was mental illness that occurs when you are extremely stressed and goes away when the stress does. I submitted 2 reports from Psychologists and a Psychiatrist, along with several health physicians, documenting this to the DA, FBI, and court. In addition to the mental illness, I also had very severe sleep deprivation.
The “prank” comment came from what I thought the actions were when I was doing them, not what I viewed them as afterwards (or now).
If I already feel horrendous for what I did, have received significant punishment, and have made significant amends to the family, what is the reason why you would want me to go to jail. I am not dangerous (these activities occurred and stopped many years ago) and I already feel horrible for what I did…jail can’t make me feel worse. If it won’t benefit me or society, I am struggling to understand if it’s simply retribution or some other reason that you believe I deserve jail.