Yes, your reading comprehension problems are in full bloom here.
Read the name of the legislation and look at the sponsors of the bill. Now, look at the name of the senator whose link I posted, above. This bill was included in the NDAA, and the legislation is new.
You denied that it was signed by Obama, and when I proved that you didn’t know what you were talking about, you tried to change the subject again, as you so often do.
I’m raising the alarm because the people who decide what constitutes propaganda are the very people who will be supporting those who churn out establishment-based propaganda. Sites like Piggington can be classified as “propaganda” by this new bureaucracy. Anything that goes against the establishment will likely be labeled “propaganda” if it gets any traction.
If you don’t see the dangers in this, you’re not thinking clearly.
What do these following stories have in common?
1.) There is an internet/stock market bubble and the Fed is unwilling to do anything about it. We’re going to experience a dramatic crash that will wipe out trillions of dollars in unrealized wealth.
2.) Iraq was not involved in the Sept. 11 attacks, and there is no justification for going to war with them. If we go to war, it will leave a power vacuum that has the potential to create an even more dangerous and less stable environment.
3.) Globalism and the “free trade” orthodoxy will harm, not help, the American middle class. It will create a bifurcated social and economic environment where the rich will gain more economic and political power, and the poor will lose power.
4.) There is a credit/housing bubble, and when it bursts, it will cause massive dislocations and result in a deflationary depression/recession that it will be difficult to recover from. As the Fed attempts to stimulate the economy, it will require more and more stimulus to get incrementally weaker and weaker responses.
5.) The DNC is conspiring with the Clinton campaign and major financial and political backers to win the Democratic nomination. If she wins, she will lose to Trump.
6.) Trump will win the Republican primary, and if he runs against Clinton, he will win the general election, too.
7.) California’s Secretary of State (in charge of our elections) has been campaigning for one of the candidates, including speaking at her campaign stops and headlining fundraisers for her. Not coincidentally, poll workers across the state were incorrectly trained on how to handle NPP voters’ ballots, which (along with an unusually high number of VBM ballots that were never received by voters) resulted in an unprecedented number of provisional ballots being used — ballots that have a high exclusion rate. Also, not coincidentally, the Democratic Primary Election was called the day before the most populous state in the nation ever had a chance to vote.
8.) The Trans-Pacific Partnership is being drafted behind closed doors. Even our congressional members are not able to review it while it’s been negotiated. It will create a separate, international, corporate-controlled tribunal that will allow corporations to sue countries if they interfere with the company’s *potential* profit, which can include labor or environmental regulations, etc.
All of these were stories (and there are many more where those come from, as well) that the establishment media either got completely wrong, or they were ignored (even denied) by the MSM. And they all had potentially tremendous consequences. In some cases, these stories were suppressed for years before activists got enough traction to bring them to the attention of the masses so the media could no longer ignore them.
During this time, the activists were told they were “conspiracy theorists” or “bitter jealous renters” or “deluded” or that they “didn’t understand how things work,” etc. Accurate information on many of these topics was available only via alternative news sources, like blogs (Piggington on the housing issue, for example). At every step of the way, those who are in power (yes, the PTB) suppressed the stories and tried to discredit anyone who attempted to bring them to the public’s attention. Any one of these alternative news sources could have been labeled as promoting “propaganda” and “disinformation.”
Some people have an almost perfect record of calling these things correctly. The mainstream media, including all of the “experts” they parade across their stages, have consistently gotten things wrong.
You can believe those establishment “experts” who have, more often than not, gotten things wrong or who’ve suppressed important information if you’d like, but I will stick with those who’ve been proven to be insightful and right, instead.