Yes, it is the same property. The flipper should just cut her losses, price the property right, and get out before it gets uglier. It’s interesting how the novice “investor” started her post stating that she got into this after attending a seminar.
It surprises me how people still believe in these get-rich-quick schemes and seminars. Isn’t it obvious? If the scammer, er… sorry, if the “instructor” really had a system to make millions by investing in RE, do you think he’ll waste his time giving these seminars? It’s plainly clear to me that the fool-proof system to make money consists in giving these seminars and charging attendees.
The really shrewd “instructors” offer these seminars for free. Of course, once the suckers, er… prospective investors, come in, they use high pressure sales tactics to get them to “invest” in real estate. Done properly, these “free” seminars yield higher profits than charging for attendance.
I’m 40 years old, but sometimes I feel super old every time I read or hear of people falling for the same old schemes. Nihil novi sub sole my ancestors would have said.