Yes, congrats, profhoff! I’m hoping you can overcome the pet-allergen issue, which seems doable to me, esp since you stated here that your property in escrow does not have carpet/drapes.
I understand what you are saying about nothing being out there on the MLS to view/make offers on.
I haven’t yet studied the “low-inventory” situation in SD County zip codes I watch but nine days ago (as a “test”), I saved 10 *new* SFR listings (up to $800K) on in four close-in bay area zip codes and yesterday checked back on the site.
ALL of my saved entries of 4/1/12 had been taken off the market. Entire cities in Contra Costa County have had 0-6 SFR active listings (merely a handful) priced under $800K on its MLS at any given time in 2012.
The avg market time until an accepted offer (for a “traditional” sale) there appears to be about 1-5 days. I’m sure the agents up there (with buyers at the ready) must be once again “door-knocking” and “cold calling” for listings.
The average age of a “scarfed up” property in the bay area zips in my “test” was about 55 years old. If properties in close-in zip codes in SD County are selling like this, then perhaps pricing IS picking up or will be soon :=]