Wowsers… interesting turn on this post. Personally I have mixed feelings. I do agree with what Rus has said in a very strong manner as I am one of those who usually keep quiet when it comes to speaking out… I went to Marina Jr High and Venice High up in many years ago in which whites were a definite minority and never had any problems. Most all of my friends were not white nor was my first wife. I listened to a conversation between my sister in law and her frined just this evening where her friend was complaining about her housekeepers daughter who is going to Preuss (did I spell that right? in la jolla) and the housekeeper is illegal. So here is this lady complaining about an illegal that she pays who is sending her kid to a La Jolla school…
Aye caramba… I know the lady as well (who was complaining) and she is not racist at all… just well… just not sure what she is… My sister in law said well don’t you think it is better that this child gets a good education and becomes a strong contributing member to our society?
Anyways it is an interesting conversation… I am not sure where I stand… my wife told me about many a hospital she used to work at in Texas near the borders that were literally overrun with illegal aliens simply to get health care on our dime…
Guess I have said alot of nothing… just filling my addiction to posting.