Wow, flu, all I can say is “You’re on a loose leash, dude” . . . Acc to your post, it sounds like your employer just gives you something to do and expects you’ll do it. Why, if your “boss” liked you, he/she just might give you a month or more off to “go on vacation” without you having to have that pesky 15 years of service in first, lol …
Like your situation, I would much prefer to be in charge of my own time and be given deadlines for projects instead of have to do daily “face time” because it’s in the rules. Of course one wouldn’t care too much about leave accrual if this was the case. These types of arrangements are more compatible with “real life.”
Another question …. What will happen if you aren’t able to finish a project given to you by the “deadline” or your “deadline” comes and goes and the “project” assigned to you remains unfinished?