Wouldn’t we be better off if we were not collectively heavily drunk?
Based on the current number of deaths caused by alcohol, prohibition of alcohol should also be replaced.
In 2009, 24,518 persons died due directly to alcohol use. This does not include homicides due to vehicle accidents. (1)
Drug induced deaths were 39,147.
All injury by firearms deaths were 31,347.
355 were 14 years and under.
Suicide by firearms were 18,735 (included above).
Suicide by other means were 18,174.
Persons under 55 were less likely to use a firearm.
All type of homicides were 16,799.
11,493 by firearms (included above).
Accidental discharge of firearms were 554 (included above).
Deaths by motor vehicle accidents were 36,216.
1,548 deaths were 14 years old and under.
It appears this all comes from the lack of personal responsibility for ones self, ones family, and others. Without this basic understanding, no wonder these statistics will rise.
Lucky In OC
Alcohol related Vehicle deaths could be listed as Homicides.
Drug related deaths could be listed as suicide.