whoa whoa whoa! dont get brainwashed by these middle class loser bitter renter/ignorant investors! they’re whining about price because, lets face it. they’re losers and they can’t afford it!
go back to your own book of real estate investing, the answers are right there! i’ve only been a student and admirer of yours for a few days, but you’ve taught me so much! let me refresh your memory and knock the brainwashing out:
1: never lower your price. simply invent demand via shell buyers.
2: sell to friends and relatives. say the words “trust me” over and over.
3: visit online real estate blogs. use multiple accounts, have conversations with yourself and talk up your properties/investment vehicles.
4: go to church. make friends with religious suckers and tell them jesus wants them to own your home.
5: demand the government buy your house. they told you to go out and spend spend spend after 9/11 and you did, it’s not your fault that you’re now broke.
6: insult people who you want to sell to. make them feel inadequate and worthless. make them think that the only way to redeem themselves from their worthless lives is to buy your house.
7: insult people you want advice from. go straight into the bear’s lair, the people who are least likely to buy your house and demand that you knew exactly what was going on, everyone else is stupid and by the way, please help unload my hypothetical house.
8: beg the government for a bailout. lay flat on your back, exposing your “liberal” “democrat” government welfare begging belly and whine until they give you money just to shut up.
9: stand at freeway off ramps with a tin cup and a sign that says “you’re all stupid for not letting me rip you off with my overprice piece of crap house. please help”.
10: if all else fails… raise your price. the bottom is here! prices are going up! buy now!!!
gosh, i dont know why you waste your time with these losers and bums here who don’t know a good deal when you tell them. you must be a dodecahedronaire by now, why even try to educate these empty head stupids?