Raybyrnes posted the comment (I think about why can’t the democrats field a successful candidate vs. why have the Republicans (GW) destroyed everything our country stands for and we have worked for as a nation… (Note I am paraphrasing!) The Republican’s pick a leader and get behind him. They use fear mongering and hatred… all the time they are picking our pockets. They also play the religion card, the birth control card, the abstinence card, the abortion card, the scary Mexicans card, etc. And with our sheeplike population, it’s easy to find something to be afraid of. The Democrats just intellectually destroy each other during elections until the final victor is so beaten down that the Republican’s can finish them off.
I vote Democratic because the Republicans don’t espouse the family values and core values that I believe a thinking, caring person should care about. Most of their ‘family values’ are actually anti-family anti-society values. Thats the hipacritical part. That doesn’t mean that I like most of the Democratic higher-ups… It just means that I think a large majority of the Republicans are hypocrites, and their cult worship hurts my country and my family.
I think Clinton was a pretty good president – he was a little weak on execution. I can’t even come to grips with what a dangerous and poor leader GW is. You couldn’t write a story which would have a more pathetic dangerous idiot at the helm and be believed… Its almost Kafkaesque.
A recent article I read states that if the United States gets behind any leader in the Arab world, they automatically will lose their election. Thats how bad it’s gotten. We are the laughingstock of every civilized and uncivilized country out there… They would be laughing much louder if we weren’t so dangerous.
That being said, we aren’t too dangerous anymore… The imbecilic prosecution of the war has left us pretty weak and puny. Imagine if we did need to take action against a North Korea, Iran, or Belgium? (Just kidding about Belgium – the US population would find out that we might have a chocolate crisis and would immediately capitulate!
If GW really cared about this country he would abdicate. He is so protected about what people think that he actually thinks that he is doing well. Its frightening.