Where have you seen RB not having a lot of foreclosures when 4s, Del sur and Santaluz are considered RB West and has REOs/SSs/Fore’s everywhere?
There are some foreclosures everywhere. But the ratio of REOs to houses in RB and 4S is a lot lower than south of the 8. “Everywhere” is an exagerration. I see 28 single-family REOs in all of RB (92127). SANDAG estimates 7755 houses in the zip code. One in 275 is bank-owned. In National City, the ratio is 1 in 64.
Not having foreclosures is not a defining feature of the top tier. Desirability is.
I’m not very familiar with Golden Hill, I’m just using it as an example. There’s this 3-bedroom house listed for 124k west of 805, is it Golden Hill?