“When SEH was evacuated as a result of the Coronado Hills fire, the Twin Oaks extension was closed.”
Yeah and honestly, if it hadn’t been for the fact that the entire Fire Dept. was so low on resources fighting fires elsewhere in the county, I highly doubt SEH would have been evactuated at all. The total area burned, off of the Twin Oaks extension was, about the size of a Football field…and that was with the wind conditions and all.
The news had that little fire icon showing the Twin Oaks fire for like 3 days…when in reality it was 100% contained within 12 hours of starting. I wasn’t too happy to be evacuated, but I totally understand why they did it…better to be safe and all.
I totally understand people not wanting to live near the undeveloped areas because of the risk of losing your house to a fire. But realtors saying the area is a fire trap seems ridiculous. Next thing you know people will be saying that Cul-de-sac’s are a trap, and that all those streets that say “no outlet” are a negative as well.
Besides all that, the Fire Station at the top of the new Twin Oaks extension is almost complete…so now SEH has it’s very own Fire Crew (probably relocate the make-shift crew that camps behind the pre-school).On a similar note, does anyone know what is going in off of Rancho Santa Fe just as you pass SEH road going West? It’s on the North side of RSF at the top of the hill…they just finished a special driveway for some building. It looks to be another Fire Station…but i’m not sure.