I have nothing against people who believe and pactise a religion, but it does reaffirm my previous thoughts that a) religious people get a bit testy when meeting unreligious types (for instance I notice that you’ve changed your signature to ‘The Puritanical Bible Beater’, for no apparent reason) and b) look down on people who don’t hold your views as being somehow inferior. Cutting off your old friends because they are unmarried and/or divorced seems a bit of high price to pay to ‘get good with god’…
As for being single/childless being ‘selfish’, I beg to differ.
Its not that common anymore for young people in the UK to marry, but it hasn’t stoppped many of my friends being in loving stable relationships for decades, with and without children. Being agnostic, the hassle of getting married isn’t really worth it for them. After all, if you don’t believe in Religion, then its just a piece of paper and a very expensive day in uncomfortable clothes….
As for the meme ‘living for others’, its a very good one, that I try and practice myself daily. However, my ‘others’ inlcude furry four-footed ones, and non-genetically related ones too. Just my decision and no one elses. I don’t consider myself selfish for not restricting my love to my spouse and my kids.
@ JES:
Mate, sit down and take a deep breath. You’ll scare yourself to death otherwise. The world is a scary, scary place but you’re more likely to die in a traffic accident than any of the above scenarios.
You might find a more sympatheic audience over at housingpanic.com, where that kind of rant goes down quite well.