Seriously, it’s a very safe area, aside from bikes being stolen and cars broken into the crime is pretty minimal. Part of this may be the complete lack of any sort of night life in the area. There are NO decent bars within walking distance of the area (Sorry El Torito and Rock Bottom, I refuse to acknowledge you as “decent bars” although I do enjoy your restraunts).
It’s close to UCSD, which does have the perks of having a strong demand for renters, who seem accustomed to having to pay for a full year of rent to get an apartment. The flip side of that is they are mostly undergraduate college students, and while as a whole UCSD students tend to be more docile and studious than the typical undergrad, college students are still notorious for wear and tear on properties.
Another Pro/Con depending on your position is the cops tend to be pretty aggressive in busting up parties, especially on weekday nights.
It’s also very close to “Biotech Eden”, which would be advantageous if you worked there.