We’ve debated this before, but it bear repeating: a woman’s contribution to a relationship is front-loaded, while a man’s contribution is back-loaded.
A woman’s greatest assets are youth, beauty, and fertility. A man’s greatest assets are power and wealth. Women make their greatest contribution (youth, beauty, and fertility) in the beginning of a relationship with the implicit understanding that the man will contribute his share (assets and power/social standing) later in the relationship.
I can guarantee you that a young, beautiful woman would not commit to a man during her most precious years (when she’s young, and can have any man she wants) if she thought he was going to leave her when her assets (youth/beauty) were depleted, and she has very little chance of finding another mate. On top of this, she loses ability to support herself since it’s much harder to enter the workforce at 50 and work your way up then it is at 20. Women can NOT “have it all,” no matter how the feminists try to convince us otherwise.
If women knew that every man would leave them when they were older, these young women would play the field and take every man for every penny they could get while the getting was good — and many women do exactly that.
Men think they are being “ripped off” in a divorce because they are looking at things from a very male-centric perspective.