We are witnessing patterns in the Obama Presidency thus far in which political expedience trumps all, hypocrisy runs rampant, and the share of government in our lives ratchets up on a permanent basis.
The campaign promises of ending politics as usual and reaching out to the other side consisted of having Pelosi and Reid write the 3/4 trillon dollar spending spree and ram it into law with little debate.
Having people take personal responsibility consists of bailing out FB’s, and, from the Treasury Secretary’s upcoming announcement, bailing out those who might be on the verge of missing payments. Personal responsibility also means appointing tax dodgers.
The bare-knuckle tactic of politicizing the Census Bureau, increasing funding for ACORN, and raising the % of the population who pay no income taxes (thus lessening resistance to tax hikes) are all aimed at solidifying big government in the long run.
Americans are just beginning to wake up to what hit them, but the damage is done.