[quote=walterwhite] . . . we also have the best justice system in the world. There is no place on earth where you can get more justice than in US courtrooms. The world over, the injustice in various courthouses is palpable. here, however, the justice is being produced at massive quaantites and of extremely high quality. . . [/quote]
Scaredy, this is a very astute “in-the-trenches” observation for the American (or at least CA) criminal justice system. Totally agree with it.
HOWEVER, I believe a civil courthouse in CA could be more aptly referred to as a “Hall of Results.” Given all the budget cuts of late (substantially increasing time and costs of litigation) and exorbitant costs of proper representation, the current situation is what it is. This is why I highly recommend making a “back room deal” with your opponent(s) very early on in nice darkened law-firm conference room with fresh-roasted coffee brewing (and competent counsel chained to all parties ankles’) IF AT ALL HUMANLY POSSIBLE, if not NOW, then TRY AGAIN.