Probably not, but only because (and my apologies here to markmax) Ron Paul isn’t an issue. But one of the comments just cracked me up.
I don’t want someone in the White House who is ‘better than Ron Paul’. Fact is, apart from John Edwards, the candidates are either corrupt puppets in bed with lobbyists, candidates with no real imagination who steal sound bites from other candidates and quote Lincoln too much or….like most of today’s rock groups….lack real talent that comes from hard work…..just nice faces to appeal to the youth….someone higher up will feed them the lines eventually.
Ron Paul and John Edwards are the only ones I hear that actually want to change the GOVERNMENT rather than just want to be the new Big Wig Puppet of an already corrupted government.
Ron Paul and John Edwards. Nuff said.
(confession here, I would have voted for John Edwards. I thought, and still think, he had an important message. And while I don’t think the personal sexcapades of elected office holders is all that important, it was, or at least could have been for John Edwards, had he been nominated and then forced to effectively withdraw from the race. He’s a disgraceful man, for a whole lot of reasons.)