You mean they are greedy because they have something you want but can’t afford? Their greed is standing in the way of your own greed?
“It is not my peers that make the laws”
I’m a GenX’er as well and I think you’re essentially right with this statement. Many GenX’er’s are too engulfed in their constant search for new forms of personal entertainment to really have any concern for what is happening around them politically or socially. As long as they can get out on the water on their Kayak and engage in a superficial Zen experience then they’re happy because, in their minds, that puts them at a higher level than all the rest of the less intellectual “working” class.
“Now, they hold the wealth disproportionately”
Ahh, yes, I hear it all the time from certain GenX’ers. Someone else is always holding them down and keeping them, and everyone around them, from realizing their true intellectual and creative superiority. They never consider the fact that the baby boomers may have worked for their wealth. And, there is this term that most GenX’ers haven’t heard…it’s called “Saving”.
“they hire our generation at horrible wages without increasing their salary, they raise tuition at college to absurd levels, they make loans to the population at asenine interest rate levels”
For some reason the concept of “Market Forces” is something that some GenX’ers don’t comprehend or believe is some fantasy of past, long forgotten, economists. I’ve always found it humorous that some people want to get out from under the “control” of some nebulous group by asserting control themselves over others. I don’t mind the battle for control so much as I do the whining and crying from those who are afraid to jump into the fight.
“asenine interest rate levels”
Now THAT is funny! Have you ever heard of a guy named Jimmy Carter?? Perhaps you should investigate the late 1970’s and find out what interest rates and inflation were then. The economy we have now would have been considered utopia compared to what we had then. It’s hard to see any credibility in your arguments when you make a statement like that regarding interest rates. Rates over the last five years are the lowest they have been since the early fifties. You sound more like a crying infant that wants its milk and wants it now.
“they have basically made a joke out of their 1960’s and ’70’s rhetoric”
??? I think you have things mixed up. Perhaps it is the Sixties Hippy generation that you truly dislike? GenX’ers were born mid to late sixties so really didn’t start to form their belief systems until around 1980 and later. The rhetoric of the 60’s and 70’s you are referring to belonged to the, let’s all just have fun and share everything, hippy generation.
I am sometimes embarrassed being a GenX’er. It started off cool because so many of us pushed the limits of many activities, doing things I never thought possible in the realm of sports and adventure. Many have become rich from this and are household names now. But, there is the other half of GenX’ers that picked up the hippy philosophy from their parents and seem to want to create some Orwellian society in which we move beyond equal opportunity and more toward complete equality in every aspect. They would achieve this by gaining control politically and redistributing opportunity, wealth, acclaim, and even achievement.
I normally only lurk here for the real estate related material but, having a fellow GenX’er make a general statement that so grossly mis-represents what I and many others in that group believe spurned me to comment, and, perhaps, to give others the notion that not all of us see ourselves as helpless, pathetic, miscreants under the thumbs of the conniving upper class, manipulated and cajoled like puppets until our last breath and dollar are gone. Believe it or not some of us actually work and aspire to greater things.
I believe the following two quotes are apropos…
The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance. It is humbling to discover how many of our glib assumptions, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before, not once but many times and in innumerable guises; and discovered to be, at great human cost, wholly false. –Paul Johnson
Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm– but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves. — T. S. Eliot