Unfortunately the construction aspects are only going to appeal to a small amount of borrowers who actually understand this and what is realator going to say “and in the event of a wild fire we have great construction.” It certainly would be value add but people are going to focus on price, HOA, Tax rates, aesthetics. Nice landscaping sells more than great fire resistant structures. It is also much easier to put you mind around when buying a place.
How many people ask about new electrical or new plumbing when looking at Condo Conversion. Most of the time they are facinated with granite countertops, double sinks and hardwood floors.
I am not a bitter renter. But you better beleive I kick myself for not trying to buy back in 2000. hind sight is always 20/20. Then I remind myself that I just didn’t have the money or job history. I also didn’t really understand real estate or financing 7 years ago.