There was no inconsistentancy in what I said. I said a great quality of life not a dream home. Someone with a $500K income should be able to borrow less than 1.5X their annual income on a 30 year loan. That doesnt buy one a dream home, it buys then a decent 2500 sq ft 4BR home home in gridlocked nirvana.
As for the student loans, well that is investing in ones future. While its great that you are so fabulous yourselves that your children wont need need them many people do. They arent evil or wrong, they level the playing field for many people who would not have access to upward mobility they are capable of great things. I beleive in investing in people like that. This is the greatest country in the world and we got that way by investing in ourselves. For many that requires taking on debt to reach one’s potential.
For the record I have as many or more regular folks as friends and clients as fabulous ones. I just know my share of fabulous ones and almost without exception they deserve to be where they are. They are the rockstars of the working world….winning!