[quote=ucodegen] . . . As for the study of NPD, I am quite familiar with it. I had to live with a parent afflicted with the disorder, which if you check back, I did post about. . . .[/quote]
I wouldn’t be able to find the post you speak of, uco, but this statement speaks volumes about your current “mindset.” I didn’t have a parent with NPD but I could well imagine it must have been a “hard row to hoe” for you, especially while a minor. Have you ever heard of “inverted narcissism?”
Truly, I understand your position, now …. you likely felt you had no choice but to take whatever treatment was dished out to you all those years.
I’m very sorry for what you had to go thru, uco.
Could I just ask you though, if the shoe were on the other foot . . . that is, if YOU were receiving dozens of repeated unsolicited, overt and blatant insults by ONE individual, whether personally or online, how would YOU handle it??
I will concede that narcissism is a legal set of behaviors and that it affects an unknown but good percentage of the population.
I was taught a few valuable concepts early on, however, which have served me well throughout life: Those are:
* To call a spade a spade (person, place or thing). It is what it is, nothing more or less. Persons who have an innate need to continually “sugar-coat” another person, idea, place or thing are automatically suspect and are covering something up. That something is usually the elephant in the room.
* If one wants to fully understand what (or who) they are actually looking at or considering getting involved in, they would be best served by knowing what (or who) it was. If they don’t have this information, it is best to ask someone who does know. Otherwise, they risk making very bad decisions that could affect them for a long time. Again, this applies to a person, place or thing.
* Unless mentally or developmentally disabled, all adults bear personal responsibility for their own behavior.
I have no anger here. If I was “angry,” as you imply, I wouldn’t be participating on this forum and would be doing something else, instead.