[quote=UCGal]I’m on the fence whether it’s justifiable to run over people. I go back and firth on that. Mostly I understand the panic Lien felt. But it’s not clearcut to me whether he broke a law in his panic… He might have… Justifiable/understandable as it is.[/quote]For me, it depends if he was in reasonable fear of his life. Considering what was happening when he was stopped, how he was stopped, how they behaved, and that none of the bikers called 911, while Lien was ringing it off the hook.. I think it was reasonable. If you want to kill someone, using a biker gang with blacked out visors and no plates is a good way to accomplish it. How are you going to describe who did it? No plate number, nothing unique on the jackets, no visual of the driver because the visors are blacked out..