Two years ago, a dear friend of mine was OBSESSED about moving back to upstate NY, where she grew up and her family still lives.
She and her CA-born-and-bred husband (who had never experienced “winter”) felt that it would be best for their future children to move “back home.”
Their first baby was born a few months ago and all they talk about is moving back to SD. The need to be with her family seems to have, well, disappeared.
Apart from holidays, she hadnt spent lots of time with her family in over a decade. Once she was back, she was shocked that everyone wanted/expected her to be the Cindy they remembered – not the Cindy who had lived in San Diego for 10 years.
Sigh. I guess the moral to the story is, people move to CA from other places. They live here for awhile. They bitch about the traffic, the cost, the people, housing, etc. Then, they pack up and move and, within a short time, all they can think about is moving back to CA.
Unless you are a highly paid consultant, WHAT would one do in WY for work? I can only think of working as a ski instructor, bartender, waitron or a kitschy shop owner.