Its obvious the king of all real estate was jealous of Silverstein. “I own this town, no one shall have a taller building than mine.”
There are the delusional and there those who hate the delusional. Like Murhy said, “Never argue with a fool, people cant tell the differnce.” Then we have bubb99, borat and zk who provided simple, rational explanation. That’s why no one will dare to agree with them. That would end the discussion! What fun would that be?
There are a few unanswered questions that cause even the real science grads grief. These have nothing to do with the story, but just present fodder for the lunatics. It would be better if these did not exist.
1. What exactly became of the alleged airline shorts investigation. Were the puts paid off? It cant be that hard to investigate. (Probably the whole story was a hoax, there was no huge volume of puts or they were bought by T.Boones Pickens)
2. Flight 93 site was bulldozed in like 1 day. First time in history, FAA (and I assume Boeing) was prevented from conducting investigation that could provide better understanding of airline disasters. The same scenario applies to Pentagon plane. These planes were flown in extreme conditions that can’t be duplicated by Boeing test pilots. Do these flights validate supercomputer simulations or could they teach Boeing how to better design planes?
3. The big fallacy here: There’s no such thing as a valid “conspiracy theory”, i.e., the govt cant keep a secret. Dr. Wattenberg, Nuclear scientist, Berkeley professor and science host of radio program on KGO, San Francisco stated one time that exact thing. As proof, he stated that one should tell a friend some secret, such as she’s having an affair and wait a while and that “secret” will get back to her. If this one example provided proof, then how did government keep secrets for 50-75 years that only get released after FOI act comes into play. AND plenty of others that get shredded before FOI can come into play. I would be happy to share a story, but then I would have to …, well you know the rest.
4. Someone here stated that Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen? Where is the proof? There are plenty of allegations, but did FOI request provide that data? Does Harvard library have that data?