To the fairness of Taiwan’s insurance, they don’t have the better insurance plan because of government, but because they have the most crowded hospital you can imagine. They run the (major/big) hospitals like an assembly line, and you would consider yourself lucky if you can get 15 minutes of time from your doctor during your visit (for small/routine stuff, of course).
When you get the hospital (schedule your visit online first), you take a number and wait, while hospital employees riding electrical scooters carrying your medical records to your doctors office (if they still have not crystallize yours yet) from different the centralized record office in the hospital.
Same when you are ready to pay or pick up your medicine.
I know most of people here couldn’t stand that kind of cold environment, but that is the price to pay when you pay only $200 a month for a family of 4 on insurance. And, I would say it work very well for 99% of people/disease.
And, yes, doctors are complaining about their incoming being halved since the health care plan.
Fortunately, getting a M.D license in Taiwan don’t mean you have to carry $$$$$$$ student loan like in US. The cost of medical school is relatively cheap compared to US, because of government subsidies.