This whole thread makes me want to go out and do something nice for my wife (of 17 years), so I can continue to avoid the dating game.
Alternately, it provides a compelling argument in favor of the legalization of prostitution. That way, those men who view women primarily in those terms can render their relationships into a simple, timely, and convenient the-customer-is-always-right transaction, and be free to live the other 98% of their life in a happier and more productive manner. Equally, by taking these guys out of the casual dating pool, the women who remain can get a more accurate perspective of how much their personality is really worth in the open market. Here’s a preview – it won’t be the bad boys who participate in that dating pool.
I say we should delegate the institution of marriage to religion, and fall back on contract law and civil unions to provide the legal protections women aspire to when they refer to wanting security. Make these unions akin to a lease with an initial 1-year term and annual renewals. No more “divorce” – the relationship can end simply as a result of one side or the other not exercising their annual option. That way both sides can avoid the problems of taking their SO for granted.
As for kids and the human race, I think we should get real. By my estimation 80% or more of the children who are born come into this world as a result of a woman wanting to be a mother and a man either letting her do it to make her happy (against his better judgement) or being unable to prevent her from doing it. Whether or not we continue the barbaric custom of treating people like property and calling it a marriage will have no bearing on the continuation of the species.