@Flyer, Fox News has gotten worse and so has their rhetoric. Last vacation we had, in-laws talked about how Kavanaugh was innocent daily. At first I responded, well it seems strange a Stanford professor would put herself out there. It’s not like she has lack of means and needs to lie. Not to mention he does have a problem with alcohol and blacking out. But I resorted to stay neutral and said that it’s something that happened decades ago with no witnesses only the two of them knows what happened. They continued to hound us to agree that he was innocent daily. Finally my spouse said, hey let’s not talk about this on our vacation, to which they were like these kids these days, they care about nothing important. Fox News make people so antagonistic. I’m okay if our opinions are different, but Fox News makes people mad to even talk about things.
Recently I quoted a wsj article stating that the test kits were lacking. In-laws were like “That’s liberal propaganda!” When someone says the wsj is liberal propaganda … I don’t think we can have a rational conversation.
My spouse is wonderful and not brainwashed. We don’t have cable TV. In-laws are nice people they actually give money to family members in need and donate to UC and are highly educated, we all are. One of them actually voted for Clinton way back when. Like the movie, I hope that if they get any other source of news they would see Fox for what it is. The issue is would they ever choose to?