This is what I’m trying to understand, sorry if it is a little OT (and honestly, I really am confused):
At my work mass layoff’s continue, unemployment up across the country (12+% in California – I think the highest since it’s been recorded) – it’s considered a good month when only 210,000 people lose their jobs.
Consumers overall are tapped out, foreclosures still quite high, etc…I know there are other facets to the economy but still things aren’t all that great as far as I can tell.
And yet…
Stock market up up up up up
Auto prices sticky
Gas Prices fairly high and rising
Even discretionary items like boats and RV’s are priced high and never adjusted to the recession
Food prices generally high
Bidding wars on houses
I priced out a boat this summer and I got sticker shock. This and supposedly credit is still tight. And yet inventory still seems to be moving – they were not desperate to make a sale in any way shape or form (the boat dealer in SD).
It’s like I live in another world – maybe I do…
Standard Pacific is selling homes at bubble level prices in Wolf Creek – from some of them you could throw a rock and hit the casino.