This is sorta why with stories and videos like this, people will and should I think feel that if the shit hits the fan, don’t expect much help from the Police or anyone else. In an emergency or a natural disaster.
I used to be a total anti-gun person, but maybe it’s the media reports or what not, but perfectly am ok with people having them and would consider it as well if not for kids.
This story after finding about it here is sorta pissing me off as well. What I DO find annoying are motorcycles or people also who think that just because they are on a bike or a pedestrian DEMAND the right of way.
Even when I walk around, I totally don’t expect cars will give me the right of way since there is no lack of wack jobs out there who will run you over for fun. I was driving in the bay area years ago and saw a crazy guy directly in front of me turn his steering wheel going 65+MPH and smashed into the center divide causing an accident. Almost got in an accident myself as well as I had to go into another lane with someone also there who moved to his further lane…
Just because you are on a motorcycle, don’t think for a second the driver you piss off isn’t MORE crazy than you and will have no problem running you over because they had a bad day or are depressed or are simply raging and pissed in general.
I admit I probably have road rage issues myself and am glad I don’t drive much and can see myself being the suv driver or the motorcycle crazed guys, but this went on too far and these motorcyclist need to stop these take over the street campaigns.
If a motorcycle is dumb enough to slam his breaks in front of you, woe to him/her if you forget to stop and run them over. They should do something to “ban” this type of motorcycle behavior.