This conversation cracks me up. Can anyone tell me a well paying job that has no stress? I mean seriously, I want to know 1 well paying job, that has actual academic requirments (Ie post HS), benifits, and large amounts of personal self fufillment that doesnt have any stress or repeated frustrating moments? Just one job catagory. Cause if you can find one, I will apply tomorrow.
I had great teachers who were awsome. I had shitty teachers who were HORRIBLE. For some reason the people who seem to always be defending teachers always are refering to the first group, and in the process protecting and enabling the second. For some reason the people who are always attacking the teaching profession compensation (I am including the bennies, how many engineers get a tax payer backed pension for life???) seem to focus only on the second group and forget about the first, forgetting the first groups increadable contributions.
The simple fact is that good teachers who inspire the best in students are worth the money. The problem is that we refuse to admit that not all teachers are good, nor worth the money. And as long as the unions and their defenders maintain the status quoe, we cant seperate the good from the bad.
Are shitty engineers who dont do shit and corrupt the program with their indifference and ineptitude diserving of 60-90k a year just cause their job is generally stressful and the person in the office next door is great at their job?
If no, why are teachers worth it?