This article describes some of the issues being faced by Syrian refugees and people living in Turkey. They have a very long shared history, more similar cultures, religions, ethnic backgrounds, etc. Yet, there is tension and growing impatience on the part of the Turks (and the Syrians, as they didn’t think the situation would last so long).
It’s not always what the media tells you to think it is…sometimes, the issues are far more complex, and there are many different perspectives that aren’t being discussed in popular culture. Special interests control the narrative, and most people will just follow along. This is why I always beg people to do their own research regarding these various issues. More often than not, there is far more that we do not know, than what we do know.
IMHO, this is the real reason for the resistance to incoming refugees and immigrants.
“Today, Gaziantep is a city in flux, affected deeply by the events continuing to unfold across the border in Syria. The flow of Syrian refugees has swelled its population by nearly a quarter, with approximately 350,000 people seeking shelter in Gaziantep. The price of rented accommodation has skyrocketed, while competition for jobs has fuelled tensions between Turkish and Syrian residents, occasionally leading to violence.
In places such as the Turkmenler Caddesi neighbourhood, where many Syrian refugees are now living, it is an uneasy coexistence.”